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Messages - JustRK

Quote from: Thornz on November 13, 2013, 04:41:24 AM
Too bad they got rid of 1p hackenn tho. That sounded fun :/

Old 1p and 8p were definitely cool. Noob hackers were easily caught by the completion being announced globally and I could imagine being a very small reason why there was a strict level cap implemented (apart from the raid armors being introduced). It was definitely done way more than this new 1p Zeon raid, like why make a map exclusive to 225+ if you're not going to give anything to begin with.

Anyway rambling, I'm sure many miss the old raid for the insane exp and spamming of ______ has completed hackenn ruins!
ross makes a perfect pokemon, because all he says is his own name and then rarely once in a blue moon he'll say something that kind of resembles a sentence.  :P

anyway, I don't know anyone like that in this community enough to give them a critique, but I wanted to see what would be said about me just because it would be refreshing to put myself in check through another perspective.

as for medical, your responses are very conservative thus far. you say what you need to say or ask what you like and that's as basic as it gets.
Spam / Re: mater
November 13, 2013, 12:20:47 AM
I think what made the "best gm's" was that although you have to be indifferent with everyone in regards to the rules, you still have to customize each punishment (or lack thereof) to what is going on (as in real life pretty much) without having to blow things up.  That's why the nicer gm's such as mater and code stayed neutral, but respected.

also, wow I'm so slow didn't even realize you were scryed for a long while looool  :P
that's okay because perspective is dynamic  :)

to me it would be like saying, climbing a mountain is stupid...all you do is walk for hours and eventually reach the top.

I enjoy raid for the thrill of completion and though anyone can do it, only few will dare to do so and succeed.
Spam / Re: Marines don't need no backflips....
November 13, 2013, 12:08:42 AM
but marines love backflips  ;D  I've taught plenty marines to do so on the o-course.

also jet, I like how you can read that fact right when you click the link and scroll down  :P
Quote from: Allie on November 12, 2013, 09:56:45 PM
I would suggest hitting that soon.
That map is planning to be removed soon.

would you be able to tell us why? or does the reason lie within the fact that this particular raid map is rarely done / completed.

Quote from: sirhamtaro on November 12, 2013, 11:56:46 PM
you need a certain level
to kill an OP mob
and get nothing

I dont see how that is fun.
esp if you use gc

well for me, I just wanted to know that I completed it and could do it again anytime that I wanted to. Isn't that the concept of any game regardless of a reward? Not mastery, just having the sole ability to do what one would like to.  :P
Spam / Re: Sum up the community in one word or expression
November 12, 2013, 11:11:09 PM
Quote from: Cooky on November 12, 2013, 03:12:23 PM
thanks for reminding me I can finally try out this level

for some reason I thought it was a 235 raid map, so when I hit 235 and found out it was 225  I was like -_____-

Quote from: Delta on November 12, 2013, 03:10:47 PM
Nice ^^

And btw, what can you get if you beat zeon?

you get nothing lol, I say it in the video.  0 boxes, 0 exp, coins, etc
General Discussion / what's the best way to kill zeon?
November 12, 2013, 03:04:11 PM
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know a better method to kill zeon? I can use this method 90% of the time, but pressing guard crush perfectly in sync like 100 times in a row gets pretty tedious  :P

Introductions / Re: Hi.
November 12, 2013, 02:02:28 PM
welcome  :) hopefully you'll find good friends and enjoy your stay
Spam / Re: My highly serious report
November 12, 2013, 01:14:25 PM
Quote from: ultranoob123 on November 12, 2013, 01:13:12 PM
Quote from: JustRK on November 12, 2013, 01:12:13 PM
He's probably some young kid, maybe korean? because I only see him on during the very early hours of the morning. It's a messed up move I agree.  If anything I will support your cause and refuse to raid with him
nooo nooo you need to get him into your room and kick him when u get to boss

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind  ::)

that would probably cause a lot of people in that time zone not to want to play with me, nty lol it's already dead enough in the server around that time
Spam / Re: My highly serious report
November 12, 2013, 01:12:13 PM
He's probably some young kid, maybe korean? because I only see him on during the very early hours of the morning. It's a messed up move I agree.  If anything I will support your cause and refuse to raid with him
Marketplace / Re: RK's Membership Shop
November 12, 2013, 07:48:19 AM
Quote from: Scythe on November 12, 2013, 07:35:49 AM
How much gigas per 1k zc?

I privately sell them at a minimum of 100mil per 1k zc, but I usually just take who ever has the best offer first.

@thornz if you still need to buy that month, you can. sorry I know you saw me in game, but I forgot about it lol.

either of you can pm me about your respective purchases  ;D
Spam / Re: today was a good day
November 11, 2013, 08:04:13 PM
Quote from: Santa on November 11, 2013, 07:59:49 PM
we gave out uhmmmmmm

twix bars / snickers - got them rlly cheap from walmart!!

my childhood halloween experiences revolved around finding people like you  ;D

waiting for a couple of people to go after our first run at a particular house and go again for more goody candy!  :P
Off Topic / Re: marc marquez 2013 MotoGP world champion
November 11, 2013, 07:18:29 PM
Quote from: Iridion on November 11, 2013, 01:12:11 PM
Quote from: JustRK on November 11, 2013, 01:07:01 PM
I used to, just because I ride sport.
orly tell me more
Quote from: JustRK on November 11, 2013, 01:07:01 PM
wooo lets go repsol honda team!   my favorite brand  :P
yeah my fav too

QQ even though you can't reply I'll tell you anyway.

I got my m1 license at the age of 19 and I thought the repsol edition honda was pretty cool, but it was only available to the public as the fireblade 1000rr at the time in my area. Any sport bike above a 696 (referring to ninja) is ridiculous so I settled for the 600rr and I fell in love with how well the honda's ride (though I'm not hating on yzf-r6's or ninjas)

I actually very much enjoy the honda 250r because it's the most nimble bike imo. Obviously trading power to be able to flick the bike around, but it's fun  ;D
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