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Messages - lara538

Bid starts now at 450m  :-\
Announcements / Re: Q&A - Game development
February 04, 2013, 05:21:11 PM
Quote from: lobomen123 on February 04, 2013, 04:55:10 PM
por favor devuelvame mi cuenta no sabia que estaba con hacker

Translating,if necessary:
Please give my account back,i didnt know i was with a hacker.
btw u shouldnt post this here i think.

Yo ajo que no deverias postar eso aqui,poste eso en otra sesiĆ³n

Is my spanish to talk with him write? im not sure :-\
General Discussion / Re: Top 10 BvBers/Sectorers/PvPers
February 04, 2013, 03:45:27 PM
Quote from: Yz on February 04, 2013, 11:57:06 AM
just seems like u listed every pvper in existence tbh

Kinda looks like.
If he putted me and mfx he should have putted CodePurple, and also matt. l0lp
And honestly im far from ego,ik im not a real good pvper like some other ppl he listed :-\
I think he meant pvpers that are good enough to u have fun playing with lol :P

General Discussion / Re: See Whose Da Fastest
February 03, 2013, 11:06:46 AM
I pay for 8 Mbps but i receive less than it :-\.
Damn third world internet! lolz
General Discussion / Re: Top 10 BvBers/Sectorers/PvPers
February 03, 2013, 10:58:28 AM
Oh i forgot to say Baggie should be top 10 sectorers  8)
If any1 even know who he is lol.
I dont think we really need them  :-\
We are all max lvl players playing just 4 fun.
But if its to choose one i would choose exp.Btw the luck one is cheaper.
General Discussion / Re: Top 10 BvBers/Sectorers/PvPers
February 03, 2013, 10:30:06 AM
Quote from: Yz on February 03, 2013, 10:22:04 AM
Quote from: lara538 on February 03, 2013, 10:21:11 AM
Some pvp lists dont have Crimson Chaos/Reaper of Soul,HOW? I pvp alot of him, and i THINK hes better than some of the guys u listed
:-\ Hes very good,should  be at least 10th in all lists in my opinion.
Its just my opinion ofc  :-\

maybe they just havent pvped him? lol

Well he pvp alot but yeh its possible,but anyway to make a pvp list u need to pvp alot, and pvping a lot its hard to believe u didnt pvped a guy that pvp everyday.
Anyway its possible  :-\
Quote from: KillerPig on February 03, 2013, 01:50:38 AM
u cant trade bcv2 ef

Yes u can trade and gift BCv2 I and II, the only untradeable and ungiftable is BCv2 III.
General Discussion / Re: Top 10 BvBers/Sectorers/PvPers
February 03, 2013, 10:21:11 AM
Some pvp lists dont have Crimson Chaos/Reaper of Soul,HOW? I pvp alot of him, and i THINK hes better than some of the guys u listed
:-\ Hes very good,should  be at least 10th in all lists in my opinion.
Its just my opinion ofc  :-\

If u buy it u won a free BCv2 I EF!! :P
General Discussion / Re: FAVORITE MOD
February 02, 2013, 05:39:00 PM
I dont have to answer. There is a phrase in my sig,its obvious who i voted if u read :P
And also Meteor:
Probably very soon  :-\
And also Allie meant she dont like any of the mods jking or dont like any of those biased "stupid" biased topics(ik i created the gm one)?lolz  :-\
General Discussion / Re: Who is ur favorite GM?(poll)
February 01, 2013, 11:39:10 PM
Quote from: antisickness on February 01, 2013, 08:30:23 PM
I agree most of the time people vote who they are closer to

I agree that too,i was just saying that smtimes maybe the reason is other :P
@Toast: Materger in the lead dont mean the others arent doing a good job or that hes doing the best job, i think almost every1 agrees that all 5 are doing a good job,like i think. Tbh i think they all are cool,believe or not, i just voted mat,like others says and i agree,cuz i think hes maybe the GM im closer with :-\

There's still ppl saying that this is a bad idea  :-\, one of the GMs,or one of the two admins that saw this topic would have deleted if they thought it was a bad idea,i wouldnt care. No need to take that srs a "stupid" topic like this?
Looks like its looking interesting to ppl at least,lots of views and votes :)

Normal Server / Re: My Awesomest Shop Ever.
February 01, 2013, 01:07:16 PM
Deal, if no1 offers more until i get my gigas selling the ds E i won :D
Normal Server / Re: My Awesomest Shop Ever.
February 01, 2013, 10:29:28 AM
Hi Crimson, atm i need to sell my DS E to have gigas but when i have i would offer i think:
Hallo set 6 pcs- 250m(100m for 5 pcs and 150m for trans)
I saw 5pcs being selled for 100-130m lately but i can still  go up :) . If u want more just tell? :P
Also i would pay some extra millions if u change it to patch i think  :-\
At least u two are bumping A LOT his topic ;D
General Discussion / Re:Who is ur favorite GM?(poll)
February 01, 2013, 10:19:07 AM
Quote from: Yz on February 01, 2013, 04:43:33 AM
it's just a "which GM are you closer with" thread i don't see why people are making it sucha big deal??? lol

Yah its +/-this.
I didnt make this thread to hurt ppl feelings or to be a flame,spam thread, also i dont see any spam or flame until now in 3 topic pages.
I didnt put optimism cuz i had 5 options and i forgot about him in the moment :-/ sorry
Also i kinda agree with ross post,Yz posts were also interesting(i wont quote all post of them ofc :P)
No need to take that serious a player made topic, looking to see ppl opinions maybe?
And now if ross have 20 votes still others have 25(45 total atm).

cuz noone rlly gives a **** which gm has the most friends.
but the best would be to not do a thread like this at all since it has been proven in the past that those threads always end up in spam and flame

^^until now neokiller is wrong in those two things.And not exactly that about most friends lol some ppl that voted maybe dont even really interact with the GMs but saw his/her doing something good or having a nice attitude maybe?
No1 that voted on Selene posted,maybe its some ppl ingame that like her cuz she usually bans the hackers?
Doesnt mean about who have most friends at all

@materger: sorry im not from USA and comitted that mistake lol,i corrected already :-\
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