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Messages - Thornz

Suggestions / Re: Guild points.
August 04, 2014, 06:43:36 PM
This could prolly have gone in suggestions...

But idk
Raids / Re: we see raid 3 boss cool
August 04, 2014, 05:32:37 PM
In his first pic it says "an I-worm is separating the final block!"

Pretty sure that means that is the boss, or at least the final block. And besides, so far, the raid bosses have always been were the bosses of the sector versions of the maps would normally be...
Quote from: messenger123 on August 03, 2014, 08:04:03 AM

Who are you? Your acc has been sold too many times for me to know for sure, lol.  I even sold it once, pretty sure...
Quote from: Yz on August 04, 2014, 04:29:54 PM
Quote from: Pokeh on August 04, 2014, 04:27:36 PM
oh hey havent posted in the guilds section in a while whats happening

us babies of bc happily frolicking in our sectors bathing in gp when the rapists of the deep south (the pvpers and bvbers) gota come and take our women, children and belittle our precious points :'(

OMG I almost cried, lmaoooo
GFX / Re: Request for photography watermark
August 04, 2014, 02:05:27 PM
Quote from: Madprox on August 04, 2014, 01:42:44 PM
You'll want M.H. Photography, and not M.H.P. as a watermark.
+ surprising him isn't gonan work.

If he's serious about it, he won't take any watermark to use profesionally on all his work.
He'll want and look for one that he wants, not one that you will want to surprise him with.

+ He can't create a watermark, but he wants to be a professional photographer?
How's he going to edit all the pictures taken?

Tbh he's prolly just lazy. Lol. He's great at editing photos, but not so great at coming up with an idea for a graphic and starting from scratch. I'm guessing he wants to be a photographer because he thinks it's the easiest thing to do for a living since he's already pretty good at it, and has a very nice camera.

It might just be a phase that he's going through idk, but I don't really understand why you staff ppl (besides Met) are going off-topic in my thread, lmao. It was a simple request for a watermark, who cares if you think he should have enough skill to make it himself, lol. He's the kinda guy that'll be happy with whatever he gets, since he doesn't want to go to the effort of figuring it out for himself.

Besides, he's still in High School. Not like he's very professional yet. He can always upgrade to a better watermark/one he makes himself later...
GFX / Re: Request for photography watermark
August 04, 2014, 01:11:25 PM
Quote from: Meteor on August 04, 2014, 05:25:38 AM
Any specifics on what he wants the watermark to look like would be nice.

Idk what he wants tbh, kinda wanted to surprise him for his birthday.

Maybe smth like the watermarks on the first couple of photos on this site?

Something a bit more elegant would be another option...

He might like an elegant looking one better, but not sure if he's willing to abbreviate "M.H. Photography" to "MHP", as that would prolly be easier to work with for smth like that. Idk. I don't mind multiple options I guess, and I can see which he likes, lol.

Willing to pay upwards of 10m gigas if it's good
GFX / Re: Request for photography watermark
August 04, 2014, 05:19:02 AM
Quote from: Cooky on August 04, 2014, 05:02:23 AM
if hes got time to devote himself to be a professional photographer, hes got time to look up basic tutorials.

He's 18 and has no skill at graphic design lol
Raids / Re: we see raid 3 boss cool
August 04, 2014, 04:10:51 AM
Yes, pictures please. Which monster is it

And lol:

Quote from: pkolnm on July 11, 2014, 11:51:40 AM
i think raid 3 is so easy
GFX / Request for photography watermark
August 04, 2014, 03:59:28 AM
I have a friend that is setting  up to be a professional photographer, and he's looking for someone that knows how to make the watermarks that go on photos that you don't want people to steal online.

He'd like it to say "M.H. Photography". An image of a camera would be nice, but is not required. I might be willing to pay with gigas for it if it's really good...
Suggestions / Re: Guild points.
August 04, 2014, 03:26:20 AM
Quote from: LightRequiem on August 04, 2014, 03:16:53 AM
it's really quite simple. here's a hypothetical situation:

let's just say that i am playing league of legends, and i don't really like it because i find it boring. even if there are people i like in the lol community, it's not going to stop me from quitting the game. i would simply keep in contact with the people i like. that's just common sense.

on the other hand, if i really like a game but hate the community, i'm still going to play the game. let's use cod as an example. most of the people on cod are literally 10 and are autistic, but since i find the game fun, i still play it sometimes.

i'm not trying to be a smart ass, but this is quite literally one of the most obvious things ever. we don't live in 1950 where the only way to communicate with people we like is to play football or something. i don't really like the game itself either, except base, which is dead. as a result, i don't actively play this game, but i do keep in contact with some of the people in this community i do like via skype.

@on topic, this is super pointless because there are other ways to gain GP other than playing sector.

If you're not trying to be a smart ass, then I apologize, but it definitely came off that you were.

I don't want us to keep spamming this, so I won't respond to you again after this, but I'll repeat: I enjoy playing the game when I'm playing with friends. If I just play it solo or with Koreans (not racist, I just can't communicate with em so it's not much fun), I find that I get bored quick and don't bother playing.

@topic: As for what you said about other ways to get GP, 258 is actually literally the best way to get GP quickly. A lv 225 gets 4400 GP in a little over a minute, and a 270 only gets 2200. Both are very fast GP (and faster than any other method of obtaining gp by far), but it's kinda unfair for those of us with perm member that we will forever only be able to grind gp half as fast as a non-member.

It actually comes down to the issue that when you are 10 lvls above a level, you get half the exp and gp (prolly coins and gigas too now that I think about it, but I don't pay attention). Members get double exp, so exp isn't a problem since it basically just goes back to normal exp for that level, but gp doesn't get double for members (which is fair btw), which means members will receive half the GP of a non-member for that same level
Suggestions / Re: Guild points.
August 04, 2014, 03:01:48 AM
Quote from: LightRequiem on August 04, 2014, 02:41:29 AM
Quote from: Thornz on August 04, 2014, 02:17:58 AM
I really don't enjoy the actual game itself anymore. I only play if friends are on, cause chatting while grinding is actually bearable/enjoyable. We have some good times :D. And I don't care about exp rank rly but I wanna try and go for making our guild number 1. If that's what I wanna do with my gaming time spent on BC, then so what. Stop judging.
hey, bro, i hate to break it to you, but there are other ways to communicate with people online than through a specific game. firstly, i'd like to introduce you to skype, an instant-messaging program that allows you to communicate with multiple people at the same time. you can do this by creating a group chat and add all the people you want to. this way, you don't have to be playing the exact same game in order to communicate. secondly, texting is another easy way to keep in contact. ya, i know; this is pretty high-tech and difficult to understand.

so, yeah, you really don't need to play a game that you don't enjoy to keep in contact with people. or, better yet, you could play a game that you all do enjoy and just chat via skype or teamspeak. this is just mind blowing; i know.

i'll just let the wow factor dissipate, and let all of this amazing new information sink in.

Are you just a complete moron, or a total douchebag that wants to prove he's smarter cause he thinks he's the only one clever enough to text?

Also, what did I say that warranted such doucheyness...

When did I ever say that I play this game in order to talk to people? I said I enjoy grinding with friends and chatting at the same time. I have skype and I use it all the time. I'm pretty sure most ppl play this game for the same exact fking reasons. I was just saying I don't enjoy just playing the game for the sake of the game, such as soloing maps or leveling up or w/e.

Please don't go off topic again, this isn't a place for you to criticize and insult people. It's about trying to draw attention to the issue of GP inequalities, and since it's one of the things I actually try and grind, it's a topic I care about.
Spam / Re: LOL WHAT
August 04, 2014, 02:38:23 AM
Lol wtf did I just watch....
Suggestions / Re: Guild points.
August 04, 2014, 02:17:58 AM
Quote from: LightRequiem on August 04, 2014, 02:00:02 AM
maybe you should take this as a message to stop continuously grinding for GP and just play and enjoy the damn game

I really don't enjoy the actual game itself anymore. I only play if friends are on, cause chatting while grinding is actually bearable/enjoyable. We have some good times :D. And I don't care about exp rank rly but I wanna try and go for making our guild number 1. If that's what I wanna do with my gaming time spent on BC, then so what. Stop judging.
Suggestions / Re: Guild points.
August 04, 2014, 01:14:09 AM

I'd like to point out that a lv 270 gets half the GP that a 225 gets on 258, and that really sucks for those of us with perm membership. I really only grind for GP these days...
There's no way for us as players to track our purchases, but I believe that Zylon can see a history of what we've bought. I could be wrong, though....
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