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Messages - Yz

Quote from: Robocop7ant on September 09, 2014, 05:38:58 AM
So the 3people with most gp holds their places?
i think its me, vish and ck?

haven't counted yet but yeah they hold their places
Quote from: ModProto on September 08, 2014, 12:06:02 PM
Loved the Nirvana mashup, not so much the nicki minaj mashup, although they were both very good!

thx muchly :-*
it means you can still win the 1mil, 3mil and 5mil prizes but top 3 is secured and you can't knock anyone out of the top 3

thornz can still win the 1m/3m/5m gp prizes but can't take top 3 for example
since it was my error of forgetting when the event ended i'll seal top 3. the only prizes available in the event now are these awards

1mil from current GP = 15m gigas + 250k coins
3mil from current GP = 70m gigas + 500k coins
5mil from current GP = 150m gigas + 1.5m coins

gz to the top 3 winners, the chance to get the other prizes ends on fri 12th
actually i didn't realize how fast time flew by. holy shit i literally thought i announced it like 3 days ago.

k i'ma just keep it going until friday 12th sept then prizes are goin out
yeah gz baggie solo 100m lol

one week left on the event but i might end it early, you guys are doin way better than i thought you all would and i wont have the gigas for it lol
Quote from: xbaras on September 08, 2014, 07:17:52 AM

All games have their lifespan, and while I share some spectacular memories with BC it is becoming very outdated.

Bots was the game of my childhood in 2008 and 9, and I've been a supporter of BC ever since. It's honestly a great unique game I would never want to see close, but sometime down the track when the servers can't be supported it will end.

I recently heard BC has an active playerbase of 300 players. If this is true then Zylon is skimming low.

How much longer do you think the servers will hold out until the players cannot supply enough money for the servers to run?

I need to play this game as much as possible before it's too late...

Really not speaking to you as an admin, but as someone who was there from the beginning of bots, bc and toks serv, this server isn't near dead. People are going crazy speculating that it's dying because vets don't play and PvP playerbase is at an all time low. Fact is there's new people coming on all the time. BC still generates a lot of income and its shutdown isn't over the horizon.. way further down the track. As I've said recently, sector guilds are actually having a peak moment.

I'd still give it a few years. Your active playerbase rumour isn't true btw pretty sure there's more than that.
Quote from: JustRK on September 07, 2014, 04:16:03 PM
agree with max haha nirvana mix is lovely, but in my personal taste nicki and iggy's voices didn't suit (x although I did like the edm overlay

thxthx, the minaj/iggy one was a bit forced cuz we wanted somethin out but yeah we based it around the edm. we usually find something we gotta mix and build up around it, and for both songs we had the full electronic parts first
god dam and i was #3 in the guild like a week ago haha
Quote from: Madprox on September 07, 2014, 03:17:11 PM
Finally had a chance to listen too.

Nirvana mashup: damn, did not expect that beat, nice work man :)
Minaj :'(: rly just not my genre :/

how ****ing good is the drop of the nirvana one? shass hates it but it's my fav part lol
Spam / Re: real time physics is so cool
September 07, 2014, 12:33:54 AM
aha that's kellahhh
Feedback/Rants / Re: When...
September 06, 2014, 05:54:15 AM
Quote from: loewe98 on September 06, 2014, 04:47:39 AM
wtf , allie sayd there would be an update...

no, she said we're doing something soon. everyone assumed it was an update even after allie and selene confirmed it wasn't an update
Feedback/Rants / Re: When...
September 06, 2014, 04:33:54 AM
no updates coming for a while
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