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Messages - lara538

Off Topic / Re: Who remembers this (+ poll)
January 24, 2013, 12:02:42 AM
Wasnt born or was too lil when tv channels transmitted mmpr here in brazil,my big bro watched and liked it at least :)
So i didnt vote  :'(
Power Rangers of my childhood(technically some ppl maybe still consider me a child :o, so i mean when i was 4-9 years old +/- i think) were pr 8(forgot the name),9(ninja storm) and 10(dinothunder or dinoforce im not sure.)
Normal Server / Re: Meto jack sell
January 23, 2013, 01:30:26 PM
Normal jack perm + R ef + 20m
Quote from: y2k on January 23, 2013, 02:48:45 AM
LOL @ BC EF PRICE. I can't even sell x2 for 70m so goodluck selling 1 for 70m.. They're worth like 30m - 40m each   ;D

I saw already some bcs efs lately except yours for 60-90m, i think ill decrease its price a lil, thanks.
EDIT:Changed some prices and also btw i putted this b4 on bc ef:
dunno how much it worth now maybe accepting less than 75m

Now its the same msg but with 65m :P
Also changed R ef price and all my stuff on low price.
Sold R ef,BCv2 II and boutcheetah EF.
Got a 600m offer on ds E arms and body(its from a friend so ill only sell to othes if its better by a considerable amount).Bid
Some1 should make userbars for 1st,2nd and 3rd place wear after 8)
Me plox :)

Edit: If u dont know :P IGN: Maxter_Gundam
Spam / Re: I Quit.
January 21, 2013, 08:04:13 PM
bye tiny  :'(
Normal Server / Maxter_Gundam Shop
January 20, 2013, 06:38:43 PM
Im selling:


Dark Patch +5 set (at least 4m,autowin 12m)
DS E set
Elektra +7 parts spare parts(head and arms) (at least 20m each or at least 35m both) If u follow the minimum offer when i see offer(s) the highest will win automatically.
Firewall(lvl93 arm) +7


Bout EF(at least 20m,autowin 35m)
BCv2 I(at least 7m) auto win 12m
Infra-Field +4


Walker bro(maybe)
Bislider +4
Spike-Sat +4
Mini-bit +4
Sat-Aux +4

Santa Shoulder(bid starts at 15m, auto win 35m, same for rudolf shield)(bid starts at 25m for both and autowin 60m)
HeavyShoulder +4
SoftShoulder +4
Blocker +4
Scapular +4


Rudolf Shield
Discus +4(bid starts at 40m,autowin 85m)
GemGuard +4(x2)
Buckler +4(x2)

After some1 bids u cant pay the autowin!

SELLING ON LOW FOR GIGAS/ITEMS ON HIGH(accepting cheap offers)(at least 100m,160m autowin):
Ds E arm
Scapular +4
Discus +4(2-4x)
Ice minibot +4 (2-3x)
Elektra +7 set
200k coins

Metojack(jack + something)
Maybe some random +7 sets(except lvl153,168,198 and 213) note: not paying a lot for the +7 sets but not paying low ofc :) ) If u are selling one tell me ur price +/-)
Bump! Cooky gave up,OG Kush looks like give up cuz said now he will only buy if he gets other red parts, so Xx Itz Ian is in the lead with 100m + 100m in items(200m total). If u are still interested ian, tell me what items.
That was like a reset on the topic :(
Keep bidding!
Auto-win: Offers that are +/- equal to og kush past offer.
Normal Server / Re: Selling MetoJack
January 20, 2013, 03:04:41 PM
Jack perm + 60m
GFX / Re: First time in a while
January 19, 2013, 10:18:49 PM
Looks good but i prefer the awesome Gundam sig u made one of these days ::)
General Discussion / Re: New Year Staff Additions
January 19, 2013, 12:17:08 PM
Quote from: juancito17 on January 19, 2013, 12:12:05 PM
mi nombre de juego es Xxju4nxX

Translating: My IGN is Xxju4nxX
And also plz dont double post.
General Discussion / Re: OMG i got hacked
January 19, 2013, 12:05:40 PM
He already recovered his acc, he made 2 accs and 2 topics i think.
And arctic puzzle i didnt know it was u, i was thinking it could be a guy that saw that u got ur stuff back and was lieing.
Was a misunderstanding.
Already played with u and ik u have good stuff, ik u werent lieing i just didnt know it was u too.
2 bad things: I dont write english properly, and u dont read english properly= misunderstanding maybe :P
Normal Server / Re: S> DS(E) Set
January 19, 2013, 10:48:27 AM
Quote from: devilprotoss on January 18, 2013, 09:19:55 PM
I said I got hacked..

Doing ur job :P
He is no longer hacked he recovered his acc and items, so i think he's still selling it, keep offering until he confirm :P
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