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Messages - JustRK

Quote from: Bombz on October 31, 2013, 10:47:45 PM
Stop crying about the db and just deal with it like RK did ok

you're not going to die

minus the fact that mine didn't get lost cause it was in the stash  :P

it's a small inconvenience though and we haven't yet even allowed allie or santa to reply properly so yup, let's not over analyze and just allow them at least several hours to say something.
Quote from: Rossbach on October 31, 2013, 10:41:22 PM
The Halloween one always looked like that, Kenny / Allie fked up the db prize causing there to be no timer on it. It seems (guessing) ]in response  (they?) deleted the DB mercs, in essence fking over everyone who has earned them from the original event. It seems Allie / Kenny removed the db is peoples inventory but forgot about stashed ones.

I was probably lagging bad lol, the characters were jumbled so I threw it in the stash and never bothered with it again  :P

you are indeed correct  :P I don't really care for this merc though so I'm not devastated if it gets taken away.
that's weird, I got my double blade from this halloween event and after you mentioned this, mine looks like this now.

as per request by fishy.  (thank you by the way!)

4th runner up prize has been added:  20m gigas + 300k coins + 1000bs (totaling more than value of grand prize).

last few hours to participate and gain entry!

ScreenShots / Re: I finally did it guys
October 31, 2013, 07:27:15 PM
gz cooky  8)  now you can finally raid lol, forget 221 t3 loool
well the thread has been updated  ;D  only 12 more participants needed to hit the 50 mile stone!
You guys will be added in when I'm out of work.

If we can reach 50 participants I will increase the prize amounts  8)
Marketplace / RK's Zylon Coin Auction
October 31, 2013, 03:02:11 PM
Winning bid:    Wolla  (550m - 5k ZC)  Ratio 1k = 110m

No longer selling Zylon Coins for the duration of this month. They can only be won through events.
Quote from: Purple on October 31, 2013, 01:09:53 PM
Quote from: JustRK on October 31, 2013, 01:08:53 PM
added 3rd prize of 250k coins! thank you to -exe-

the remaining participants have been added.

can't help but notice my name isn't in the participants list

sorry I got you confused with purplez  :P
added 3rd prize of 250k coins! thank you to -exe-

the remaining participants have been added.
the list has been updated  ;D less than 24 hours left till the winner is drawn.
BC Events / Re: Zylon Shop Discounts - 10/31-11/10
October 31, 2013, 06:27:43 AM
Quote from: Rebuck on October 31, 2013, 06:21:19 AM
Can there be added a liger perm?? Because now im gonna buy 3 ligers -_-

we fought for this on the first page of this thread lol  ::)

the answer was unfortunately no.
Quote from: Cooky on October 31, 2013, 05:56:47 AM
ok meet me in-game sometime ill give u the gigas

very well, thank you (:  the op has been updated to reflect a 2nd runner up prize and your name has been added as a donator.

also mob has been added to the list of participants. ;D
Quote from: Silence on October 31, 2013, 05:29:11 AM
Re add me plz. My BF also joined this, so that's why Selene deleted me. We have the same IP :P  if I win, it's all for me though 3:D

which entry is your bf's?

Quote from: Cooky on October 31, 2013, 02:40:30 AM
Quote from: JustRK on October 31, 2013, 02:35:59 AM
There's already 10 mil coming from myself and gm code for a grand total of 20 million so far  8) the more the merrier!

well I was thinking that if I contribute to the runner up prize and more people follow, it might match or out-weigh the grand prize (as far as value). So my contribution could be for a 2nd runner up?

that would be very swell if you wanted to donate for a 3rd place prize  8) great idea
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