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Messages - lara538

General Discussion / Re: OMG i got hacked
January 19, 2013, 10:36:25 AM
If u really got hacked the first thing to do is change ur password cuz according to u he didnt change, so he no longer have acess to ur acc.
And also this can be a newbie that saw that -ArticPuzzle- got his stuff back, and is trying to lie that had stuff to "get it back" but if its a fake report u wont get the stuff u didnt have, admins ARENT stupid.U said u paid real money, so zc, they can check if u really bought it.
If im wrong about this being a fake report(cuz ofc im not 100% sure), no need to worry u will very probably get ur items back i think.
And also if this is a real report hope u do what i said first.
Im not afirming im supposing.
Bump, already msged og kush, will sell to him as soon as he reply,last chance to beat his offer and get this super rare E head, unless he give up.
Normal Server / Re: S> DS(E) Set
January 18, 2013, 08:50:39 PM
Elektra +7 set + P ef + R ef + 50m
For head only
If u dont want to sell as spare parts its ok :)
If u dont wanna sell for this offer its ok also :)
Normal Server / Re: Buying! Lvl 166 +5,6,7!
January 18, 2013, 08:46:12 PM
I have a walker, really doubt ill sell it, just curious basically on how much u offer.
Offer then :P
Thanks anyway ::)
Spam / Re: Done with my Velociraptor
January 18, 2013, 12:20:39 AM
Ur drawing remember my bro drawing and hes good so ::) My brother is self-taught too :D
Good Job :)

Off Topic / Re: Another Rumble Fighter thread
January 18, 2013, 12:15:34 AM
Already saw youtube video seems cool, but my big bro dont let me a lot of games on this pc :(
If i had the chance i would download and play it.
Normal Server / Re: Sasuke's Shop
January 17, 2013, 10:54:29 AM
Quote from: spinnerz120 on January 17, 2013, 12:04:14 AM

310m, u will have to bid with me :P

NOTE: If u search how many gigas i have i dont have enough but i can simply sell the E i have to cooky :) so ill have what i currently have +300m.
Marketplace / Re: Meto-jack sell ,halloweenaura2buy
January 17, 2013, 10:47:33 AM
Metojack= Perm jack + 60m
Is that maplestory?
Quote from: Delta on January 16, 2013, 01:18:10 PM
Just accept ilovemoneys offer and uuhm you are not the only one with that blue head, there are others but they just have it on surge lmao

Cooky said to me to always wait his reply until he says he give up(and he said he wont give up). So ill wait.
And also this head ISNT trilicor pink(=blazer orange),trilicor blue(=blazer purple) or trilicor yellow(=blazer brown).
If this color was that common cooky would have info to complete his guide cuz other ppl would tell him it, soo its rare.
I dont see reason to u laugh, i said im ALMOST SURE, so if u have proof that this isnt the only one ingame post it plz, would be welcome :)
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