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Quote from: Xkiller712 on August 04, 2014, 05:07:31 PM
Quote from: Yz on August 04, 2014, 04:29:54 PM
Quote from: Pokeh on August 04, 2014, 04:27:36 PM
oh hey havent posted in the guilds section in a while whats happening

us babies of bc happily frolicking in our sectors bathing in gp when the rapists of the deep south (the pvpers and bvbers) gota come and take our women, children and belittle our precious points :'(
this is probably the best analogy ever.  but might be slightly racist.

oh yeah just reminding you i applied to utopia as my post got lost in the sea of rapists

das robos gig, i dont like alts personally
Quote from: Pokeh on August 04, 2014, 04:27:36 PM
oh hey havent posted in the guilds section in a while whats happening

us babies of bc happily frolicking in our sectors bathing in gp when the rapists of the deep south (the pvpers and bvbers) gota come and take our women, children and belittle our precious points :'(
there is literally no reason for me to reply is why i deleted it. i can go down your list and say who ive individually crushed before when i was like 12 years old but what's the point?
tl;dr all of them but lyfe. now pls, stfu
Quote from: LightRequiem on August 04, 2014, 03:18:51 PM
Quote from: KillerPig on August 04, 2014, 12:25:52 PM
ok gm ur right
lets stop the arguing yz

truce, friend? :)

maybe we can have friendly bvb war whenever is most convenient for you ;)
actually not joking that would be fun
ya but it wouldn't be fun for 2 reasons

1) no zeal people play so there can't be an actual "friendly war"
2) they'd get rekt, and it'd be really boring .-.

apart from me and ninja being able to 2v4 anyone in ur guild apart from lyfe yeah it would be pretty easy/boring now gtfo pls with the "i have no fun and this game sucks and im so good at it and this game is dead and stuf" gimmick :-*
-gp rank
-exp rank
-inside guild gp competitions for rares
-wealth rank, gigas & coins
-help out newbies
-sure a sense of friendship in the sense that everyone plays sector so it's where you'll find everyone
-collecting anything like e sets
-raid armor and helping friends get it
-survival armor and helping friends get it
-speedrunning and learning best ways to speedrun lvs
-gigas & coins will always have a use no matter how much u play

and yeah, people actually care about all these things, which is why the game has lived solely off of sector since it was created and why there was 100-200 bots sector rooms but only ever one page of pvp and only 2-3 rooms of base apart from good days which there were even more sector ones

plus it's not taxing at all, people can enjoy it ant chill out easily
ok max but im still posting mine cuz i typed it all up before u posted that so yes convo over ok gm  
to me it's the same as sector, same map same retards and some of u have played as much pvp/bvb as i have for sector

to them it's funny cuz they think you guys go to an effort to grind modes that dont just suck but theres also no point, u gain nothing from them, they're fun to you whereas sector is fun to way more people and u actually have somethin to gain lol

so yea highhorsenerds who play shitty modes then preach about it cuz they care that much and are that mad are funny. not corr but still

obligatory "lmfao"
i still dunno if we are being real or not, if real i am disappoint tho
Suggestions / Re: Guild points.
August 04, 2014, 05:54:08 AM
+1 cuz nonmembs have a lot more potential to get faster exp and gp than a member. it doesn't matter if members still have other options, it shouldn't be easier for a nonmemb imo

Quote from: LightRequiem on August 04, 2014, 03:16:53 AM
it's really quite simple. here's a hypothetical situation:

let's just say that i am playing league of legends, and i don't really like it because i find it boring. even if there are people i like in the lol community, it's not going to stop me from quitting the game. i would simply keep in contact with the people i like. that's just common sense.

on the other hand, if i really like a game but hate the community, i'm still going to play the game. let's use cod as an example. most of the people on cod are literally 10 and are autistic, but since i find the game fun, i still play it sometimes.

i'm not trying to be a smart ass, but this is quite literally one of the most obvious things ever. we don't live in 1950 where the only way to communicate with people we like is to play football or something. i don't really like the game itself either, except base, which is dead. as a result, i don't actively play this game, but i do keep in contact with some of the people in this community i do like via skype.

@on topic, this is super pointless because there are other ways to gain GP other than playing sector.

also, i'm not even going to bother responding because i generally avoid internet arguments, and frankly, i don't even care about the suggestion in the slightest.

you're broken in the head and i can't believe you're saying this lol, he's saying he finds GRINDING (that you think we all hate so much) fun with friends compared to alone. with a friend, bc is fun. if a friend is on, he enjoys bc. he does not enjoy the friend in particular. if i skype with thornz we wont have fun we'll just talk about something real quick. if i play with thornz we would find bc fun. you literally cannot understand the concept that people aren't just amassing points for the ****ery of it but that they have fun doing it, there are endgame goals after reaching max cap in a game some people still enjoy the basics of and thus they'll go for it

smh, you look like a nazi right now, think of all the people that just point-and-click in WoW and guildwars 24/7, to some people that is unbearable, to a majority of gamers (since WoW & GW2 are so popular) simple grinding and chilling out is a good way to kill time

i was always thinkin when you guys pay out sector you were all semijoking but after my last 3 posts it looks like you guys just think one way of thinking is superior, dam i hope all ur lines were trolling cuz it's probably as stupid or stupider than xhalo, i mean jesus how long has lyfe been speedrunning ****ing nintendo games and apparently that's not a waste of time l0l
Suggestions / Re: Add this is Sector
August 04, 2014, 05:44:04 AM
Quote from: LightRequiem on August 04, 2014, 01:57:15 AM
Quote from: Xkiller712 on August 04, 2014, 01:35:51 AM
i actually agree with this.  im not saying i'd really use the random, but for people like him w/e.  More pvp / bvb content would be great
zeal pushed (...and pushed) for more base content, but at the end of the day, if the admins don't want it, it won't be added to the game, even if the content would do the game a lot of good. hell, we even had a complete table of mercs with changes to make and blueprinted a new map.

politics, gotta love 'em

pushed and pushed then *****ed and *****ed and we didn't wanna do it anymore, here it is more bitchin

@pig half the gamers in the world prefer singleplayer to multiplayer, half the multiplayer players prefer PvE to any form of PvP, nothing dictates PvP as fun i personally hate it in any game that isn't arena based like league. i even know a lot more than 10% of the league community just plays customs and coop vs ai their entire playthrough of league, same with dota 2 players cuz they hate pvp so much they won't even play it on a game entirely based on it
-what if i told you
-you actually look like an autistic dropkick when you talk **** to people bout opinionated matters without lookin into anythin urself n theres more guilds then theres ever been before

-what if
-just what if..!??!
-i could say theres a gp race going on and thats why im playing in comparison to the 39 people i play with who actually enjoy the game itself but u assume my reason = all others reasons

u talkin 2 me like u actually wana prove a point pSht plzzzzzz u sound more like ur trolling when ur trying to sound smart than any other time cuz thats when u say the dumbest stuff      silver league silver socialize
Quote from: KillerPig on August 03, 2014, 04:28:22 PM
no nerds grind sector after already being max level with max armor with no real gp race going on

cept theres a huge gp race going on and you legit grind more casual modes for points in those where the reason for points actually is nothing cuz no ones competing
General Discussion / Re: JackHead made by?
August 03, 2014, 02:42:29 AM
Quote from: LightRequiem on August 03, 2014, 01:22:01 AM
jack heads were given during the halloween event in 2007 for 1 week

tok and other bots mods used their powers to make perm ones l0l

then they only gave them out to friends coz bots was actually a lot more corrupt than bc (aside from a few bad shining moments)
General Discussion / Re: Are there plans to.....
August 02, 2014, 10:09:29 AM
an announcement has been strongly hinted for this month, nothing else confirmed. as for staff coming back that's just cuz i decided to come back for no reason so max/toast followed for our guild revival
Spam / Re: ermagherd
August 02, 2014, 05:38:06 AM
really? you're gonna use her as an example? man this convo isn't worth having, start being constructive before you lose the right to critique altogether
Quote from: Cooky on August 02, 2014, 02:26:23 AM
Quote from: josh286 on August 01, 2014, 08:14:39 PM
thank you robo and tricky and DORI
its pretty silly you only thanked those 3, theres a lot of others who said nice things and told you goodluck as well

me and robo are helping and dori is his #1 gp member lmao
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