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Messages - lara538

Spam / Re: Har Har Har
January 09, 2013, 10:34:57 AM
Quote from: Madprox on January 09, 2013, 08:14:04 AM
Quote from: Meteor on January 09, 2013, 08:05:12 AM
Didn't that happen like last week? I'm pretty sure he didn't do it yesterday when I was on.

ikr, he did the exact same thing last week O__o
old pic?

I was on yesterday when he did that, its not a old pic :P
Best pvper- Sasuke(i think all of u agree)
Most gigas- Tze 253m(we are poor atm :( )
Most coins- Tze 4.1m
Most bs- Sasuke 77k
Best bvber- Sasuke is the best in ranking dunno if in skill.But put him :)
Best sectorer- Im the best in ranking im medium difficult,exp in hard,tze in easy. I think u should put exp.

Here for u Code just update,i checked rankings,really doubt i wrote something wrong here.
Saved ur job :P
Quote from: Fat Matt on January 08, 2013, 10:23:37 PM
Quote from: jinhongzhu on January 08, 2013, 10:12:57 PM
hi :D
welcome c:

Welcome to tze, sasuke and charmander, u guys will see this guild is very funny.
Normal Server / Re: Sanctuary {#1 PvP Guild}
January 08, 2013, 10:21:33 PM
Its so sad when this happens with guilds, same happened to assassins(my old guild) after 1 player leave suddendly a lot of them leave and the guild die.When assassins died we were rank 4 in overall and when sacnt died they were 1st in pvp. :'(
Im here to say that i understand what the sanc remaining players feel,i think.
Im sorry with what happened.
Updated,Hammer head sold for 5m cuz ilove is friend :P
Added R ef(bid starts at 30m) and white knight(bid starts at 17m)297 days left today
Player Sponsored Events / Re: free 83 games light gun!
January 08, 2013, 06:51:20 PM
Quote from: Cooky on January 08, 2013, 06:43:48 PM
if i get it i will give it away to a newb who wants it  :D

Me 2
Off Topic / Re: Pokemon 6th generation announced!
January 08, 2013, 05:40:31 PM
Quote from: antisickness on January 08, 2013, 05:23:38 PM
fux sake these pokes look so sht pokemon is officially dead they are so pushing it

I just disliked the grass one. The other 2 are okay :P
Normal Server / Re: Selling coins 4m per 100k
January 08, 2013, 05:37:15 PM
Decided to come back selling Yz ::)
I would like 1m,after i send the gigas and put item, i edit and put my marketplace link here.
Off Topic / Re: Pokemon 6th generation announced!
January 08, 2013, 12:46:33 PM
I saw the trailer in a brazilian forums but i prefered dont post a brazilian forums here so i come to pokebeach and posted,btw in pokebeach is the japanese version of the trailer? if it is im sorry.
And also i think i agree with cooky, emerald was very cool,the worst pokemon designs was in 4th gen,but anyway i liked diamond a lot :P
Of all gens i think 4th is the worse.
Im not sure they'll release a pokemon Z,cuz i thought they would release Pokemon Gray but rather than this they released BW2.
Hope more infos coming soon :)
Grim was mad saying i was bragging here :(
How some1 noob as fck like me can brag something? :'(
All posts here i was jking and i think Yz,Z...understood that i was jking.
U can see that i used a lot of  :P
Im not saying here that im better than grim, i was just jking around with some ss i took, the grim one i just took cuz i was spamming PrtScn cuz the ,sg You have killed 4 moderators msg appeared, was just a proof if something wrong happens with my prize,then accidentally i took one ss of the points screen and i decided to post it here.
No need to be mad with me(im saying this to every1), a noob in pvp like me can brag what?? What i have to brag in pvp? 2 stupids 1v1s?
Posting this here cuz here that i "bragged" b4,just to clarify things
Hawk didnt understand it was a jk and turned mad,and this isnt what i wanted with the ss i posted.
Dont know if other ppl thought i was bragging or were offended cuz 2 simple 1v1s ss,that i posted jking.
Hope this really clarify things and ppl understand that im not the kind of ppl that brag im most likely the kind of ppl that jk.
I dont want ppl mad and having the wrong impression of me, dont know why i care about this but i think i care, if they still have the wrong impression is cuz they want and there is nothing to do about it.
I decided to post this here dunno why(maybe cuz there are pokemon fans here:P ),u can watch the trailer here: http://pokebeach.com/
Or on youtube.
The names are Pokemon X and Pokemon Y,will be released worldwide october of this year(2013).
For 3ds,pokemons and cities 3d,now poor ppl playing pokemon showdown will be sad if they cant play that ::)

EDITED: The 2 legendaries already announced are based on nordic mythology, saw this info in a brazilian forum, the eagle represents asgard, the deer midgard(Earth) and who will complete the trio will be a snake that represents Nilfheim.
The X,Y and Z(in the future very prob) are also to represent a tridimensional graphic that can represent where the reigns are on the universe or something like that.This is the theory i saw on the forums. Maybe i forgot something not really sure.
If thats true will be other nordic mythology based pokemon besides this legendary trio,like a pkm based on sleipnir for example. Sleipmon(if some1 here knows about digimon is based on sleipnir) Also,according to this, the tree that is showed on the trailer is Igdrazil.
I think if thats true,what almost obv is, this will be a very cool pkm game.
Bump :)
Quote from: Mario666 on January 07, 2013, 05:09:00 PM
5.5m for the 250k coins?

6m is deal,unless boutcheetahz offer more(or other person) or finally make an offer for all.
Send the gigas and post marketplace link here.
Spam / Re: Being rusty is a myth c:
January 07, 2013, 08:46:42 PM
Nice exp :)
Here i got with less ppl and less time a lil lower(ik 8k isnt that lil) than u :D
Btw i wasnt using t3, i was using t2 lvl184 head,and arms/body dark patch.
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