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Messages - DarkShadow89

Spam / Re: 3 words story
November 28, 2012, 06:37:07 PM
and killed ross
Spam / Re: 3 words story
November 28, 2012, 06:24:06 PM
to buy ganja >:D
Feedback/Rants / Re: Appealing my 'warning'
November 28, 2012, 06:22:30 PM
Your acting ridiculous, it was necessary.

Those were not attacks, as I have a <3 in one of them to keep you from pouting.
Feedback/Rants / Re: Appealing my 'warning'
November 28, 2012, 06:18:43 PM
*Deep nasal inhale meant to be a sigh*

Im not attacking you.
Feedback/Rants / Re: Appealing my 'warning'
November 28, 2012, 06:16:27 PM
And i could say, that we were talking about "spawning" so it was on-topic

Get a hold of yourself cooky. You look like a fool.

EDIT: And you couldve "defended" yourself, by PMing me.... sooo
I was just saying I dont like it how I get kicked from games WHEN I HAVE LUCKY.

And when I make rooms, no one will come... because of my level. (I can play by myself, but I have adrenal insufficiency + a very low attention span so its difficult to play the game for long periods of time)

I do not like when people on the forum bitch about signature character limit when there are better suggestions.

I say things in that way, to sound neutral. Because you honestly, can not fix BC's corrupt community without people crying about changes.

Quote from: Dewo on November 27, 2012, 08:27:17 PM
Create a room, call on some players that range close to your level and you will be fine. Sector is so easy on BC, you don't need to leech to get to the higher levels, that's just a lame excuse.
Try out BOTS ZG, you will see what's hard and what isn't.

I have it
Quote from: Yz on November 27, 2012, 07:29:20 PM
Quote from: Selene on November 27, 2012, 05:15:24 PM
It's allowed.

Please stop going off-topic, thanks.

it's sorted bro, no need to continue

Yessir, I am part of the lvling train... even though I hate it. I wish to play like normal. If you arent apart of the leveling train, you wont get anywhere, as in BOTS!! there was more people that were different levels (low levels).... on BC, almost all are 221 or 150. (Because of leveling train)

No, Im not online enough to rant about it, this just came up because im tired reading stupid suggestions that dont benefit the game, when theres bigger problems.

Yes I could level on my own, but that takes out the whole point of this being an ONLINE game. I like to talk to community, except the few angry Koreans that are always playing PvP.

But theres is no way to fix a whole community... i wouldnt know where to start..
No, its just.. It has nothing to do with the game... which is why we are all here.

I honestly dont know why you NEED 10 different siggys.. but I am not in a guild... And would not understand.

And I understand what you and Allie are trying to say.
I cant, because no one will let me play.

I want to, but its not the same anymore, people are rude koreans that only except higher levels. Im tired of kids, screaming cuss words that are useless when all i do is want to play also. Cant play PvP without some feg yelling about how awesome he is, like OBVIOUSLY im not gonna win, i do it for fun lul :)

My point to all this was, theres things that need to be done BEFORE unlimited signature characters.

And im also not asking you to change the community, because I dont even know how you could do that.

Im just stating, that this was not as fun as BOTS!! used to be, and that... there could be so many new suggestions that benefit way more then character limit.
Quote from: Allie on November 27, 2012, 07:24:37 PM
Quote from: DarkShadow89 on November 27, 2012, 07:20:18 PM
Why is everyone so god damn hyped up about sigs, if your a good gfxer, you would add everything into one picture. Like really, were gonna sit here and talk about character limit for the signature when this game isnt even a game anymore, its a leveling train and you can only play unless you have lucky aura or your 221 already. Like honestly, figure out a way to revive PvP in game, or work on Expodite, or some other server. BoutCheetah is the last thing we need to worry about, especially the ****ing character limit for a signature.

Examples: Theres PvP guilds all over the place, I log in all the time... is there a PvP match going? Hell no! Cant even enter a room as a level 126 without getting kicked, even with a lucky aura. Not that its "the games fault" but, like... figure out a way to get old Bots!! back, or make suggestions that actually benefit the community. Not just adding unlimited signature characters so that you can put a giant ****ing image of a mecha lion.

God, this is just a horrible opinion in its entirety.
With no disrespect intended Allie, you hate everyones opinion. I thought it needed to be said though, even as worthless as it may seem in your eyes.
Why is everyone so god damn hyped up about sigs, if your a good gfxer, you would add everything into one picture. Like really, were gonna sit here and talk about character limit for the signature when this game isnt even a game anymore, its a leveling train and you can only play unless you have lucky aura or your 221 already. Like honestly, figure out a way to revive PvP in game, or work on Expodite, or some other server. BoutCheetah is the last thing we need to worry about, especially the ****ing character limit for a signature.

Examples: Theres PvP guilds all over the place, I log in all the time... is there a PvP match going? Hell no! Cant even enter a room as a level 126 without getting kicked, even with a lucky aura. Not that its "the games fault" but, like... figure out a way to get old Bots!! back, or make suggestions that actually benefit the community. Not just adding unlimited signature characters so that you can put a giant ****ing image of a mecha lion.

And theres WAY too many mods and fms btw... all you need is like 3 or 4 different people with various time zones. Sooner or later, everyone will be a mod on BC. <-- Obviously not, dont take seriously.. But still, just a couple of examples, I feel like community is trying to progress faster then the GAME actually is.
Quote from: ZeroUH on November 27, 2012, 01:14:24 PM
Quote from: Cooky on November 27, 2012, 01:05:58 PM
only thing im worried about at this point is how a GM incorrectly quoted a rule twice in the last few days  :-\

but anyway, back on topic, this guy is trying to sell his stuff
Since he said...
Quote from: lara538 on November 27, 2012, 11:35:47 AM
Offer in "dollars" so i decide how ill use them between zc and/or membership.
...my quote about the rule was correct. He explained what he was trying to say after my intervention. It wasn't my fault, he just messed up with some words. The only thing I'm worried about is that you're spamming instead of help.

Double post in marketplace? Why?
And selene, isnt all of this on topic since it revolves around what lara posted about?

And bt lara why do you make it so confusing by saying dollars?
Quote from: mo9 on November 27, 2012, 03:56:11 PM
/suggestion bb code shouldn't be counted in char limit 

No the rule is because, Zylon isnt responsible if you get scammed. Thats all it means, if you want to secretly go trade KNOWING the consequences then you shouldnt come crying to a GM about real world money being scammed.
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