1-you have a facebook 2-you have a cell phone 4-You are wasting your time reading this talk 5-you didn't notice there is no number 3 7-Have checked that there is no number 3 8-where is number 6 you Idiot? 9-now you are smiling and you knew you are idiot ,and you still smiling 10-where is number 1 you intelligent? 11-you Ratified and I started to make sure if there was number 1 12-you are not a normal person at all
My name in the game is bmx123 and i got banned withoutr reason ,i didnt broke the rules so what is this stuped game bann ppl for fun? i was lvl 141 ,if you read this you shouldnt play in this stuped game i got banned agin by ''vGM Gramps''