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Messages - Justync7

Suggestions / Higher Resolution?
June 08, 2018, 04:10:47 AM
I just recently wanted to get back into playing BoutCheetah, but it seems modern games have spoiled me with native resolution. I read a thread on doing exactly this from 2011, but it appears that it has been "patched" because it lets you see more than you do with a 4:3 resolution. I'm wondering if something can be done about this? It seems like a sub-par rule to me, since all modern monitors are 16:9 and 720p or higher. If it's allowed will it not just put people on a level playing field?

EDIT: I think its also worth noting that not allowing native resolution also makes it EXTREMELY annoying to play the game on multi-monitor setups. The game is impossible to see in windowed because its such a small window, and fullscreen just makes it take 20+ seconds to click out of the game to wait for your screen to switch back to native resolution just to do something on your second monitor, and it moves all your windows around.
Spam / Re: True Fact.
May 30, 2011, 03:41:01 AM
The Picture I Posted Says "Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics Even if you win your still retarded"
Spam / True Fact.
May 30, 2011, 12:55:12 AM

Lol this is the most true thing ever.
Spam / Re: Its hunting season
May 29, 2011, 10:30:30 PM
:D Ill be sure to help too :P lol I got my ak-47 out
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