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Messages - BlackSrarz

General Discussion / The state of the Web Client?
December 06, 2012, 05:46:30 AM
When will the game be playable on the web client? have you tried to convert it to unity 3d?(if possible)
Last time we had the web client it was just a  chat emulation, wil it be the whole game next time?
I love the idea of you guys n gals making this web client for us.
I heard somthing about a 1 gb limitation, but unity dont have such (i guess).
So whats the current state of the Web Client? Is anyone working on it?
Allot of players are experiencing this issue too.
Yeah i did all that Ross, but the game was still lagging a bit. But then i saw why that map laggs on my pc.
There is too many enemies at a time. When playing sector there is just 1 group of enemies at a time like 1 to 10.
But in this map all the enemies are in the map at the same time. This is because the "respawners"  and the Sector mobs are active when you enter the map. So when you kil all the sector mobs there are only the "respawners"(the ones that respawns alll the time) to kill.
So this map i so reardly selecter as a survival map i dont know how to explain it withou including "retarded" but thats what it is, unless there's a simple explaination for the selection of the map. Survival meens you have to survive a horde of enemies in some sort, but it is not a survival if you have to go thrue tons of enemies before entering the "survival zone". And i havent got a single item from Survival 64 yet.
Am not angry ust a little, but just because that map was so reterdly selected. No offence but i have no idea why this map would be a good one for this in any point of intrest. I still love you guys for making this game for all of uss thanks :)
First of i know some of you haven't noticed this yet because you have good pc. But the only map (so far) thats laggs for me is Survival map level 64 Aqua Fever. That map is hard and i love that but, the amount of enemies or/and the maps size it is not playable for the most of he players. I have played this map (not survival) before and it does not lag like i said "the only map that lags so far is aqua fever".
And i know that you didnt know and its allright, am just saying that i want to be able to play this "Aqua Fever" to get the awesomely stylish set of parts that you guys made (i dont know who.). And am in love with the new "Survival" mode and i want to play it on other maps and not just level1. I am/was level 106 so i have not tested the other survivals above my level. One solution would be to change the map the level is being within, to somthing smaller and not a so complicated map. the survival 64 maps beginning more reminds me of a sector map.
The PvP maps are perfect for survival aint it?
Or just decrease the number of "spawners" I G2G... ill post a reply to continue
I just figured out how to modify. Yeah, the Pvp maps have objects you can jump and hide behind, wich is perfect for a massive horde of viruses to be ultimately defeated, the viruses that is. And since you can modify maps you can make it more blue and ocean like.
For instance, make water walls to make it look like a underwater facility of some sort. or just a simple blue wall, just for the theme of the parts. Thanks
If you have an intrest in fixing this let me know by posting a reply or pm, thanks :)
This is unbearible. How many enemies do you have to kill to get to tier 3 on lvl 1? 500? really?
Just when i get full inventory it akes 1 min untill i get to  tier 3.
The boxes are slowing me down since i can just kill in a corner and not all the mobs at a time
Who came up with the idea to make it rain useless inventory minimizing boxes of doom? really?
Try to stay alive.. AND AVOID THE BOXES !!!
There are 3 tiers Blah Blah Blah"
Am not a bitch am just being anoyed by all the boxes of doom.
Is there anyone willing to lend a willing hand?
KillerPig are you finding it hard to get loot in survival? too bad becouse 1 drop every 5 secounds and sometimes 5 drops within 5 secounds isnt high, its unbearible... btw did i mention that am talking about level 1 survival?
No offence meant but i just find it hard to kill mobs while avoiding literaly over 20 red boxes.
Am sorry but i have just played survival level 1, i dont know how the others are, but you should test and see what i mean.
I am not a noob at bc i had very high lvl characters and i play Bots before when they ended it.
I just havent playd BC for a long time.
Sorry, you want me to be more accurate? My keyboard is kinda broken.
And i will try to not be so ... sucky.
All i want at the moment is
survival drop rate to be dereased or/and a delete inventory command.
The amount of gigas you sell the tier tems to be greatly increased by a number above 200.
Thanks for letting me know i am anoying.
By the way, i use leeh so i can stay killing mobs and look at all the tier 3 items... you know the feeling?
And if there would be a command deleting your hole inventory it would be usefull for several things.
And hi... you can just put {h} to get a more challange...
No need for abusing pretty RoseRed boxes, right?
btw my character name is RoseRed xD and i just bought membership. dont thank me yet (i am kinda wierd at the moment i have adhd and  a hole lot of things, I was sik hole last week, and i missed halloween Dx I didnt get a halloween set huhuhu D:> sad face.
I really want a halloween set. but i was too sick to use my computer.
so... why... more challange?.......... you know that each boxes are sold for zer0 yes 0000,0 if you sel 8 f  them you get 0 money 0 .. a hole lot of nothing... Please make them worth 200 gigas please... i am just.... ZERO0
Okey, this is more like a phsyciatry then a rquest but am desperate for somthing to make sense... but 5 min into telling me why this survival mode is what it is? ZEROOO it means nothing... please Dxx
hehehe :)
Dont mind me there goiing avol or whatever. i just buyed membership for my account :) feel good since i like this game. that was 7% why i buyed it :P just kidding xD this community is allready great and this game deserves 5 dollars from each and everyone ^^ i just did my part
General Discussion / How to delete inventory? (Help Me)
November 15, 2012, 10:15:18 AM
I am playing Survival but i was not able to get to tier3 without my inventory being full with tier1&2 parts.
I have Fully free nventory space when i star each match.
The problem is that boxes from lower tiers are laying all over the map. the hardest thing is to kill the enemies with 5 f inches of ground to stand on. the boxes are suposted to be good... not a f disaster to avoid. So i was wondering if there is any way to kill the boxes in my inventory when i play sector? you cant remove them using the market place since some "adminstrator" didnt want to... why? Dx
Is there a @commando to delete all items in inventory? i have no stash.
And dont tell me in no way i just have to bare with it,  cuz i wont...
When i get to tier 3 if y inventory isnt full i barely have 5 space left and when i pick up a box theres a low chance ii will even get tier 3 items Dxxx I wont be that lucky even. so please... If i get membership... Allie... Santa... >:D Am evil aint i?
Yes... i will buy membership for 1 month for now when this get fixed some how.
And if i like it and think that this community actually help me hen i will concider buying another month of membership.
I have mastercard and a monthly income :P
I love you too...
I have a computer home with boutcheetah, but i want to be able to play in my school too.
I have a computer at school (win7) but my user is on the school server so is the admin.
I use a local and a server hardrive. I want to install BC on the local hardrive (this PC).
Is there like any way to play BC without installing or without using any adminstration?
This is a laptop made by Vostro Intel core inside COREi3 Win7.
Thanks in advance. What about a web client? many games uses that.
Nostale has a way to play the game using a browser without downloading the game.
I dont know what program thei'r using, but you should try.
Yes execly, I... we would be greatfull if they showed what it does too.
Thanks for the reply with some commands ^^
My character is RoseRed but am no girl zD
I have searched for the keyword ¨qualifiers¨ bu i only got 3 results. 1 of them asked for a way to see all the qualifiers.
This far i only know about {s} {m} {h}.
{s} - Survival
{m} - Medium     I want to know what this does
{h} - Hard      This too
If there are no other qualifiers then make a post with them all anyway.
BTW; i want more Survival maps :)

Thanks !!!
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