September 27, 2024, 03:33:48 PMLatest Member: kkk

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Messages - AWERLORD

Wow I didnt expect that this thread woul still be alive, looks like some people like my idea, maybe it's not bad at all, but obviously not for everyone.Well I just offered an Idea and asked oppinion about it.I will still keep my current possition, and think that this idea is good for one player side.I know, you can't please everyone, some would quit, some would play, this happens everywhere.You just can't please everyone.
Well thanks people for your oppinion.Maybe this idea isnt good for bots, but it's good on another games suchs as Guild Wars 2, items there are pure cosmetic.
Good to see so much people replying to the thread, altough no positive comments, only negative.Ill svolow sadness and humialition, but still I tough that my idea is good, maybe not great, but into right direction.Someone said that there are people who reach max level and then play again, so this is what you wan to do in the game, grind levels?1 guy said that everything I said is relating to pvp, and it's true, but same could be used for sectors clearing mode.
Greatings dear readers.
First of I want to introduce myself, so we can go further and discuss something important.
My nick name is Awerlord, Im not very big fann of Acclaim Bots game, but when I used to play it, it was one of the best "Puching" games I ever played.I already knew that original Bots were shut down long time ago, but today I just tried to find a private server, I tough that maybe it's exist, and it does.I found this server, I downloaded the game, register my account and was ready to get into action.

After I created my bot, I check all the rooms PvE,PvP and Base defence,I found that this server have very low population, too high max level, not enough players my level, and some new items graphics are terrible.I tried to play whatever room I could get, even with very high level people, altough most of the time, I was kicked becouse I was too low level.Someone would say, that I should ask someone to level up me, and everything would be fine, but it wouldnt, and let me tell you why.

Since server population is low, I cant find my level people to play with.Playing in high level dungeons is too difficult for me, nor im being usefull.I can't do any PvP, becouse being low level and being totaly useless I cant play against anyone.We realy shouldnt talk about Base defence, becouse I havent seen any single room, looks like this game mode is forsaken for ages.

I was thinking what the hell is wrong with all this stuff, and is it possible to fix it, and I came up with idea, that might work, im not sure, it's this servers admins and whoever works with game have the power and everything they need to change something.But anyway, nobody can forbid me to tell me my idea, so here it is.

My idea is to change some game mechanics, which should improve gameplay, should make it more funn, and maybe bring new people (Or people from Acclaim Bots) to play this game.Ill try to make it as much constructive as possible, if I fail, I hope that you, dear reader, will catch my drift.
So what we should do first?

1.Remove levels.By removing levels, you basicly will make everyone equal level.Everyone will be able to compete and play with whoever they wants, no levels means no difference.You may think, how the hell is this going to work with items and such?This brings us to second step.
2.Statless Items.This means that items wont have any stats anymore, they are now all cosmetic items.Items which required level and gigas to buy, are available for everyone, and items that required coins, available for thouse who buy coins for money.Item prices should be reduced damaticly, since all gear is now same level.
3.Balance.Since all items are now equal level, this means that there would be no one which have any sort of advantage against outhers :No additional Hp,crit, and any outher stuff which gives you a slightly edge.This means that all you need is a skill to win.

PVE - All sectors (dungeons) are same difficulty, all difference is that they have different winning scenario, different paths and such.This thing is already here, so only changing mobs would be all that needs to be done.Winning stuff is cosmetic items.
PVP & Base Defence - Since everyone is equal, and only difference is players pack choise (All thouse like Attack on block and etc.) it would be only skill matter to beat outher enemy player.This means that, people who just joined the game could go right into the action, and be equal with everyone, skill is all matters.

Since this game would be a bit different from what we have already, here is pros and cons I can think about:
Props +
+Everyone is equal.
+Balanced pvp.
+Sectors (Dungeons) only different by scenarios.
+Items are now only Cosmetic.
+Everyone is able to play with everyone.
+More people playing together, since no item/level differences.

Cons -
-By being equal, some players may loose interest to play the game in the future.
-No levels means, that there is nothing to grind for.
-No stats means, that there wont be any edge against outhers by having better items or higher level.
-Everyone will be Cosmetic item hungry.
-No fealing being overpower against outhers.

Conclusion - Personaly I think it's the great idea, to make game more alive then it's right now.Some people may fear that this is going to get worse, but think about this.Who will level to 200 lvl if there is no one to play with?Who will use money to buy coins if there is no one to show yourself.Whats the point in playing this game if it's already burried long time ago.This game need changes, and I offer my idea, which looks good to me.Oh and dont worry about people who buy coins, they would buy for cosmetic items, look at Valve and what they done with Team Fortress 2, people keep spending money in theyr store for cosmetic items (hats), and they have so much profit, that they even made game "Free to Play".So no worries would be here, like I said, people would be cosmetic items (Thouse for coins) hungry.

IMPORTANT - If you havent read from start to the end, dont rush making any conclusion.Read everything ( I know it may be terribly boring) and think about posivite and negative aspects of my idea.No changes to the game, means no things will go better.Only burring itself to the end.

Thank you for your attention reading this, I usualy never do such things (atleast to the games I care less), but I do this if I see something wrong ,and I feal like I know the answer to the right question, I do it, and I feal like I have a power to say something smart right now..I was writing everything and editing about an hour.
There might be lots of mistakes, but english is not my native language, and please, appreciate my hard work and time writing this.
Write down your comments, so we can have a discussion here, and maybe attract game admins and developers.

Thanks again for reading and your patience
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