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BOTS PvP Tournament - Feedback |
July 05, 2014, 07:22:09 PM by AllieViews: 135074 | Comments: 14
After a successful tournament, I want feedback to decide whether to do it again. If you participated, or paid attention to it, I'd like to hear as many responses to these questions as you can:
Was the tournament successful? Was it fun? Were the rewards fair? Were the rules fair? Did I handle it well? Is there anything I could have done better? Was doing it on BOTS the correct choice?
If we were to do another tournament, would you participate? If we were to do another tournament, would you prefer 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3? If we were to do another tournament, would you be willing to do it for fun (no reward besides glory)?
Any other feedback in particular you would like to give me is appreciated. Troll posts will be ignored.
Zylon Gaming Sponsored BOTS PvP Tournament [Brackets and final info] |
July 05, 2014, 12:32:45 AM by AllieViews: 137009 | Comments: 30
The BOTS PvP Tournament will be starting tomorrow, you can find the brackets here. These matches will be recorded and/or commentated by Cooky. You must be online at 1PM EST or you will be immediately disqualified. If enough players are disqualified, the tournament may be finished in one day.
Games will be best of 3, and I will wait no more than five minutes after the last game for both players to be ready. In the room I will check you for II/TD and we will begin.Good luck in the tournament. May we have a long, successful game.
4th of July Event!! |
July 04, 2014, 01:09:27 AM by SantaViews: 132517 | Comments: 85
4th of July Objective
Collect Firework2014 items in Sector an PvP. Guide Sector:1.) You must be no more than 30 levels higher than the maps level in sector. 2.) There is a 5% chance that the boss will drop a golden chest which has a firework inside of it. PvP:1.) You must be +- 30 levels of the player you are killing in order for them to drop the Firework2014 item. 2.) You cannot enable certain game tags, such as: speed, infinite ammo, auto trans, no trans, infinite health, object speed, and one shot kill. 3.) There is a 5% chance that the player you kill will drop a golden chest which has a firework inside of it. Prize
The prize can be redeemed at the end of the event on 7/11/2014. To redeem a prize, it will require 10 Firework2014 items, and you will be given 1 of 3 prizes randomly. The prizes will not be disclosed until the end of the event. Happy 4th of July!
Zylon Gaming Sponsored BOTS PvP Tournament Account Distribution |
June 30, 2014, 04:31:50 PM by AllieViews: 135200 | Comments: 29
The PvP tournament will be taking place this Saturday on July 5th. Those of you who are participating can at this time send me a PM to redeem your temporary level 100 account. Your message should include your desired bot type, which gigas parts you want from the following list, and a confirmation that both you and your partner will indeed be coming. These accounts will be auto locked when you either don't show up, lose the tournament, or after the tournament is over. You should be here at 1PM EST, or you will automatically be disqualified. No exceptions. They cannot join any sector or bvb room, and can only PvP. Item list: Mini-bot/EF: SP, CRT, MIS Shield/shoulder: RA, TG, TD If you see yourself on this list, you can send me the message. Your name will be strikethrough if you've already redeemed. Team # | Team Name | Player1 | Player2 | Backup | 1 | Staff | Allie
| Blade
| None | 2 | ADMIN REKT'ERS | MisterZ | Sirhamtaro | None | 3 | Turbanators | Poke
| Droidzylon
| None | 4 | Pals | Zom
| Merc
| None | 5 | EGK | Kulvinder
| Leapman
| Qolderman
| 6 | Unknown Yet | Nephthys
| ImaginationX
| None | 7 | Team AA | Meteor
| Hawk
| Oreos
| 8 | Vish | FM Vish
| Vish3
| Vish2 |
BOTS [Zylon Gaming] Update |
June 09, 2014, 12:45:41 AM by AllieViews: 114728 | Comments: 14
QuoteLevel 98 has finally been released. You can play it in-game now. It gives a base XP of 62 (88 gives a base XP of 60), and has a similar drop table to 95, with level 98 parts slightly more common.
In addition to this, all XP across the board has been increased by 300%. This means the maps that give 25 exp, now give 75. The ones that gave 50, now give 150. Etc for higher maps. x2 on weekends between Friday/Saturday/Sunday have not been effected. This adds up to 600% base rate XP, or 150 xp from a 25 XP map or 300 XP from a 50 XP map.
We hope to see you in-game.
Zylon Gaming Official BOTS PvP Tournament |
June 06, 2014, 04:19:26 PM by AllieViews: 98243 | Comments: 101
It is in thought in administration for myself, Allie, to host a PvP tournament over on BOTS. I am here to find who would participate. See details below. General information: - Date: Saturday/Sunday June 28/29
- Time: 1PM EST
- Location: BOTS Zylon
- 2v2
Specifics: - You will be allowed to choose one partner to participate with you
- Both partners must be on at the start of the tournament, or you will be automatically disqualified; No Leniency
- You will be allowed to communicate using voice chat if you so choose
- All participating members will be given a boosted level 100 with your choice of bot type and gear to use for the tournament; these accounts will not be able to trade, or participate in any sector games and will be auto-locked when your team loses (or wins the grand finals)
- All countries, english or not are welcomed to join
- Only requirement is having BOTS installed and ready to go when the tournament begins
Fight Conditions- No map restrictions
- No item restrictions except for II skills of any kind
- Best of 3
- First game will always be random
- Loser picks map
Rewards: Grand Prize:- 5,000 coins on BOTS, each
- 2,500 Zylon Coins, each
- [ONE] Permanent Membership for any account of your choosing - whether or not it is yours
- If you choose to decline one or both, you can choose to accept an additional 2,500 Zylon Coins per decline
Second Place:- 2,000 coins on BOTS, each
- 1,250 Zylon Coins, each
- If you choose to decline the BOTS coins you can choose to accept an additional 1,250 Zylon Coins instead
This is planned to be a two-day event, with brackets automatically created using Challonge Brackets. The first round or two (dependent on how many teams participate) will be completed the first day, with the remaining fights completed the second. This means you may leave when your fight is complete if you choose to. Whether or not this tournament happens depends on you guys. We in administration are all for it, and would like some feedback. Rules may or may not change dependent on feedback.If you would like to participate, please list your team, with a team name below. If there's enough interested, this post will be updated to reflect the current participating teams.
Our New GM's |
June 03, 2014, 12:39:45 AM by JustRKViews: 117520 | Comments: 41
After holding the In-Game Moderator position for a lengthy period of time I am happy to announce the promotion of GM MedChill as well as GM Oreos! Please congratulate them for a position well deserved and if you have any comments or concerns feel free to PM our newest Game Master staff!
Improvements to the launcher |
May 15, 2014, 12:33:31 AM by SantaViews: 81798 | Comments: 38
Hello, I have re-created the launcher to run faster; it no longer requires the download of a new patch.xml file every time you open it. It may not be as noticeable to people who already have a good ping and fast connection with the dedicated server. This will also help reduce load on the update server allowing for faster updates when some are released in the near future.
If you find any issues with the new launcher, please post them here!
Thanks, ~Kenneth.
BOTS [Zylon Gaming] Free Coins Event |
March 18, 2014, 06:17:54 PM by AllieViews: 121042 | Comments: 59
QuoteTo welcome back, and welcome some new players, we have decided to give a one time freebie of 500 coins. These coins are enough to buy a full 7-day set, an almost-full 30-day set, or a few pieces of a 1-year set, including a 1-year trans pack costing at most 455 coins.
To redeem your coins, simply post here with your in-game name and I will manually deliver them to you if you fit the requirements.
This event will end on March 31, 2014. Hope to see you in-game! You can find this thread over at You're gonna have to post over at BOTS for the coins.
Zylon Coins Fix |
March 17, 2014, 08:59:11 AM by AllieViews: 51685 | Comments: 2
We've recently had a small issue with our IPN system automatically delivering Zylon Coins. This has been fixed. I delivered the Zylon Coins manually to anyone who purchased them that I could find. If I missed you, please send me a PM. I'll try to give support within the day.
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