Last night I had a revelation.Since I don't enjoy playing BC that much as I enjoyed it in the past, I came up with an idea.Nonmembers lvl cap is at 172 and thats it.From there you can choose to get good gear and after you got it its actually GG.My idea is a new system.A system that will allow nonmembers to reset their lvl upon reaching max lvl (172).After the reset you get lvl 1 and all your stats are the ones of a lvl 1.Now the point of the reset is that u now can reach more than lvl 172.You now should be able to reach lvl 177(+5 lvls over normal cap) and stop getting lvls there.Now you have the choice of reseting yet again and getting lvl 1.Than you can gain EXP and reach +5 lvls that the last cap which means lvl 182.That system will keep players busy and just imagine the competition and the fun in the game.I also hope some people won't get bored when they already are MAXED like I am.I want to also apologize for my bad english and hope my idea will be read.There should also be an equivalent exchange for members like gigas/bs rewards on reseting but idk
Thanks to all of you who took their time and read this long post.