Yesterday I had about six or seven people mention / complain about my lag. Ever since we bought a new modem with four times the memory we had before, everyone's internet except mine has been crap.
Now what I don't know is whether this lag is being caused by my computer of my distance from the modem or the modem itself. Everyone else's computer has Windows 7 or higher and I suppose not older than two and a half years. My own computer runs on Windows XP and is about five years old. My sister's computer is a laptop about the same distance from our modem, is new and has perfect connection (so she says).
Finally, people are almost always 'R' to me and I have cause people to disconnect themselves during PvP because I don't die on their screen, thus the game doesn't end. I also experience massive lag on Meteor Landing which causes me to face unnecessary difficulty.
tl;dr - Is my insane lag being caused by my computer, modem or distance from the modem?