Well, ive seen myself that Boutcheetah has changed alot since i started playing.
Style of the game itself an the players have been changed have i noticed an not in a good way in my opinion.
The game has changed to much in my opinion an its just the game i used to like isn't almost itself anymore , ofcourse the updates are good but since Middlescreen went to only tiny as shit an big ass mofo full screen its not fun to play without doing anything else like..
Finding music or anything with full screen.
Can't even see what ur doing or having fun with that tiny shit screen ;|
I Don't think for myself i will stay long anymore because its just not the game for me how i liked it befor.
Just telling my opinion about the game for now, an the coins changing/map/game moding was good but its just not the same anymore.
So maybe or not.
Well see howlong ima like it an ye..