As the topic say's im selling a metojack, The best offer gets it, Autowin is 500m pure gigas.
I'm also selling some E parts:
Pink firewall E remodel part
Blue/purple or whatever crash bolt E arms
Pink Davey-croc head
Green mohawk E set (you can find it in market)
Purple trilicor arms
Yellow trilicor arms
and other parts in the market.
I'm also selling a x100 rb pack!
Some more items:
7+ bladium arms
7+ bladium arms.
6+ rapid impaler body
5+ dark ram parts
4+ dark ram parts
Charge ll 100 times
290 Days Lanternman
Around 280 days Dark drowner wings
300 days or so minibot
Ice minibot 4+
Hallo surge body.
I take offer in items, gigas and coins. I dont want any E parts offered thanks. Send mail in game or here with your offers.