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[1P] Hackenn Ruins - Full explain.

Started by blueblue21, June 14, 2013, 06:58:23 AM

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June 14, 2013, 06:58:23 AM Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 07:15:53 AM by blueblue21
Hello everyone, BlueLight21 here with this tutorial of how to complete the new [1P]Hackenn Ruins.

Skills required:
- Upper II or Rush II
- Leech Passive

- Use Lanternman trans
- Practice the trans combo
- Get as much TA as possible
- Use minitank or deathhunter as merc
- Always save 1 life merc for push in emergency situations. (Will explain later)
- Pushing it's random at it's set between 1 and 4 pushes allowed.
So lets start :

Wave 1:

Jump on that pole so u can lure as many mobs as possible under you.

Summon merc right under you  so he can start killing mobs while u wait for trans.

Trans And Jump attack all mobs (Jump attack because it lowers the chance of you getting hit)

After completing this Wave i strongly recommend you to kill you merc because mercs usually tend to push and we don't want that.

Wave 2:

The idea here is to kill both EliteWazuCaptains.
1- way is to take lure them and kill them separately(Normal Wazu may create you lots of damage)
2- way is to jump attack all those Wazu and at the end kill the EliteWazu Captains(The only problem here is that the CaptainWazu walks to the edge and you by mistake can push it , which is not good)

I honestly prefer to jump attack all Wazu and EliteWazuCaptain so they don't run away and I don't lose any hp.

Wave 3:

Now, summon merc and trans. After that, u start trans combo everything. If you have some skill on trans combo this may be the first hp leeching part.

Wave 4:

The idea here is to kill the WarChernobyl.

Lure him to that pole and combo. Standing on that pole makes him impossible to hit you.
This is where you leech alot of hp.
I recommend trans combo because is faster and higher damage.

Wave 5:

Here you take 2 SergeatSectors at a time and combo them or use rush spam or anything u prefer.
Again I recommend you to use trans combo because its faster.
BoxVendor it's easy to kill, just lure him to the same pole as u lured WarChernobyl and combo him.

Wave 6: (The kowbat one)

Here the idea is to distroy the huge blue cannon and kowbat.
1st we gonna start with the cannon. Just walk throw it but no right in front,slightly on left or right side so you can glitch it as it can't hit you. You don't have to kill those 2 Bozas , But if you want extra hp you can do it, they are good for leeching.

Now let's head to Kowbat.
You can ignore that EliteWazuCaptain as I did, or u can leech some hp.

Now Kowbat. Best way to do it is to push it. It can create you lots of damage and in my opinion it doesn't worth the struggle.
Lure him and push.

This is my tehnique and it works all the time.

Wave 7:

The idea is to kill both cannons.
I recommend you to trans attack or use merc.

Wave 8: The final one, Xabaras

Congraz bro you made it.
Now i can recommend 2 ways.

1. push (safer, instant win and its best if you want to complete it for the 4th July event)
2. kill

1. Push. The most efficient way of pushing is merc push. This is why i told you to save 1 merc.  Lure Xabaras to edge, Jump over him and while u in air above him summon merc.

2. Kill. The most efficient way to kill is to use upper and gun spam. Lure Xabaras to the edge, jump on one of those 2 poles and upper him. Stading on the pole lowers the chance of getting hit by alot. When it's almost dead, get him to the middle,so you can get box, and jump upper to death.

Check out some of my times using this tehnique:
(click to show/hide)

Congraz everyone. You have completed Hackenn Core in 1 Player Mode.
Thank you for reading.
Looking forward to hear if it worked for you.
Thank you again, and good luck.


Oh god, so this is how you've all been doing it.. standing on poles and abusing broken A.I.

gr8 guide tho (Y) ;)
DISCORD killyzkill



thanks a lot Xx Itz Ian for the sign ^ .. :D

IGN: MasterOfBout
Guild: Redemption


Quote from: fasterbro on June 14, 2013, 07:10:06 AM
Blue,I think guard crush is better
Well, This is how i do it, everybody is free to try is with any skills he wants. I haven't said that this is the best possible way.

@yz: Thanks man.
@zid_master No problem. Glad it helped.


Nice guide man, rly helpul. 

What I did when completing 1p with my 138 alt. was (besides what Blue did), I placed my merc (DK) on one of these poles in the beginning, cause it'll attract the mobs so I could combo them all without getting hit. And I also used my merc while killing the cannon (first knock out Bozas) as well as for the two cannons near Xab.
Worth pointing out is that I never managed to clear the map w/o using the merc as I did ^, maybe this will be helpful for the lower leveled players.

(click to show/hide)


IGN: Rapidash/Experiences/Expeh.
=-Lvl 270-=


Nice guide man. I'm gonna have to try using your tutorial to help me beat it, nothing I've been trying seems to be working lol


Quote from: Eat4two on June 14, 2013, 08:19:57 AM
Nice guide man, rly helpul. 

What I did when completing 1p with my 138 alt. was (besides what Blue did), I placed my merc (DK) on one of these poles in the beginning, cause it'll attract the mobs so I could combo them all without getting hit. And I also used my merc while killing the cannon (first knock out Bozas) as well as for the two cannons near Xab.
Worth pointing out is that I never managed to clear the map w/o using the merc as I did ^, maybe this will be helpful for the lower leveled players.

(click to show/hide)
Congraz man. Tbh im not used to DH and i personaly think that DH is better than minitank.

@Mario666 : Good luck , waiting to see if it worked.
@Exp : Thank you darling.


I was following this and while i was uppering xab, out of nowhere he just fell. .-.
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I am now an Oreos fan!
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Oreos was a failed project.


Quote from: Yz on June 14, 2013, 07:04:24 AM
Oh god, so this is how you've all been doing it.. standing on poles and abusing broken A.I.

gr8 guide tho (Y) ;)
a lvl 140 can beat hackenn ruin no lie

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: KillerPig on June 14, 2013, 04:44:04 PM
Quote from: Yz on June 14, 2013, 07:04:24 AM
Oh god, so this is how you've all been doing it.. standing on poles and abusing broken A.I.

gr8 guide tho (Y) ;)
a lvl 140 can beat hackenn ruin no lie

Yeah I know, coz of this stuff.
DISCORD killyzkill

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