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BoutCheetah » Forum » BoutCheetah Community » General Discussion » GM Application.

GM Application.

Started by noblem7, February 09, 2012, 10:42:51 AM

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Hey, its me Noblem and I think some of you may already know me. I'm a cool guy eh.

To get this interested I will talk more about me. I'm a chilled guy roaming around and wishes to have some fun. I'm a really helpful guy and you will have a lot of fun with talking me. I'm just like the waves of the ocean, you won't even be bored by talking with me forever. I'm the guy who has the passion to look around people's issue and try to make it solve. I'm adaptable in any situation and act as the right person indeed. I'm so matured enough to fit in any circumstances and situations. If you try to know me, I will be the most lovable person who has ever seen in your life. I won't tolerate any problems or quarrels to happen within this community. This game means a lot to me. This won't fairly make me bored or stop staying away within here. I love the every single segment of this game. Talking about the experiments of games and stuffs, I have done a lot of things that matters a lot. Been moderating forums, been staff who leads the server and had leaded a whole of communities. I can contribute a lot of things in here and help change the game. I will make this a better place for everyone. From what I have seen is that this community lacks some intelligence and people ruining the whole game. If I get the power, I will flatted them out and make them understand their positions in here. And what they mean to the community here. I will give everything what the community wants from me and help the whole server out. Things will go all in my point of view and it will became a lot  good. I have a lot of suggestions to make this game better than ever. I have been playing Bots!! from 2007 and there are some things that will make BoutCheetah a better game to play. People here can ask for the help anytime. I'm a very humble guy. I hope every one in here will enjoy the game and finds a good time playing here. As for now, good bye.

 Please, don't mute evade.


February 09, 2012, 10:47:05 AM #1 Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 10:47:51 AM by hawk5005
Oh yeah, weren't you the guy who was talking crap to the people who -1'd you in your Utopia application? And also the guy who mute evaded? And also the guy who just joined?

Locked because I don't want a bunch of people making fun of him.

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