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Click me nao >:O *FINISHED*

Started by firejetsam, October 02, 2010, 08:52:38 PM

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re-do ad, colors & login bars background
DISCORD killyzkill


Well it was easy to move the buttons and stoof around...
Too much work to do all that and I've lost interest now :-\
Besides,it still looks good to me :)


I'd change 'ID:' and 'PW:' to 'Login:' and 'Password:' :3.
It'd look better


I made a new one,but I need some help with the ad
'cos my gfx friends moved on to a different game now :-\


Have you noticed bounty hasn't post here since allie proved him wrong  ;)
Also, the bots ad ****s it all up :|



Hmm...if I release this I'll remove the ad...


Quote from: randomftw123 on October 03, 2010, 04:16:32 AM
I just remembered how ZylonSpace was my idea since I made the Christmas skin. xD

You weren't the only one.

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