Quote from: Yz on January 02, 2013, 08:50:15 AM
how u do this in 2-3 weeks. it faster than egyptian was.
why u ignore me when i whisper u during ur grinding.
why do u {max1}.
how do u get 2.1k exp per round on x2. that mean u kill even more than bubbleboy. how u do that
i dun get it rly. gimme ur tipz n trickz.
Okey , 1st i do {max1} cuz i solo
2nd its easy to get loads of exp. if you know how to play without getting bored ^_^
Wearing T3 wish give 40% bonus exp. if i'm not wrong , killing wave 1 & 2 & maybe some codereds then do @suicide then go on doing this
i make this for nearly 7 hours every day since i joined UB! :>
edit: about the ignore thingy:
1st cuz you sometimes ignore me
2nd cuz during {s} i don't want to lose hp and die
3rd maybe i didn't notice your msg
its mostly one of those 3 reasons specialy the 1st one