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Evade tag

Started by Rossbach, June 01, 2013, 09:22:42 PM

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June 06, 2013, 04:27:42 PM #45 Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 04:54:41 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: matan124 on June 06, 2013, 06:33:28 AM
Quote from: Rossbach on June 06, 2013, 04:06:51 AM
"Surges are to damn op."



Not if you are a good shooter poke, Ross hits people multiple times with his DM.

Eh, lol true, gun spaaam. *Click*, aw. Well finally something that evade if good at.

It would also be a success for surges, considering the other surge would not evade tele. Ya fuk those aussi ***gs

Dunno if Ross is misunderstanding you, but he means if the tag is used a lot them it means it is a popular tag.

Surge would not really have to hide.


"most high tier pvpers will not use DM gun, i also stopped useing it."

Ross still uses his DM. Also why did you say you stopped using DM? That is completely irrelevant as you only stated high teir pvper do not use it, nothing about the mid-class. ::)

"btw, pvp is dead and most people sector, so the fact that there are more surges then other types is not all of it related to pvp."

Thus the reason why this tag would not really "kill" Surges, as it is a PvP tag, not a Sector one.

Ok let me correct myself first - also mid tier pvpers usually dont use DM gun, and when i said that i stopped useing DM gun i didnt mean it like that, i meant that it is OP sorry if it sounded like i brag or somthing, i really didnt meant it that way \:

Also, for the people who does pvp it will kill surges, i mean seriously, bs made surges more then 50% less OP and you want to kill them completely? i think that the fact that you are a ram need to have somthing with it  ::)
And no, i dont say that because i am a surge, you got bs so it is fair for all types since speed imo is the most important thing in pvp.
It is also summer now so pvp will be more active hopefully.

Just wondering but did you notice the hidden text Ross posted with it? '(Look at Ross' post in quote.)

Anyways it is apparently not that OP according to what poke said as apparently you can only hit people 2x per game. Also the normal guns at best hit 300, which is little to none damage compared to what players hit and the amount of hp they have, it is not worth hitting them down giving them an invincibility time. So it is not that OP.

Ross already answered that 100x already, stated speed > evade. If you want to say that surge is ONLY evade and speed then the speed tag alone makes them 90% less OP. Also like Ross said before evade is pretty much crap, it is more like a gamble. "evade is crucial and can actually give the player a disadvantage or an advantage in PvP alone" ~ Imag. Evade is not always a good thing, so adding a tag to remove evade is not always a bad thing.  ::)

"It is also summer now so pvp will be more active hopefully."

More people = more lag = more evade lag + more evade chaining= broken PvP.  ::)

" i think that the fact that you are a ram need to have somthing with it ::)"

What the ****, no, Ross has been mainly pvping on his surge "Briooo" now. It has nothing with the fact Ross' main which si for sectioning or lulz PvP is a ram, but that Ross wants to PvP people like Imag, on his surge account. Plus it is not about people having crap-load of evade but Ross having a crap-load of evade causing them to take about half of Ross' hp in 1 evade chain. What is Ross going to do? Strip his evade? Have to strip helm, lose HP and Halloween set bonus when fighting in a ffa with 7 lv 221's, nty. Ross is using a surge to PvP (Briooo) (and if his main was a surge he would say the same thing) that he would be happy to lose his evade, like Ross said, evade is crap, just leads to lag and then you have people like Corr raging and complaining at you about your lag, and it just creates a giant evade chain where you lose 50% of your HP in 1 go, while you sit there for 5 mins trying to get out.

"And no, i dont say that because i am a surge"

Is that why you thought of the above statement of random assumption? Where did Ross ever say that, he never said that.

"You got bs so it is fair for all types since speed imo is the most important thing in pvp.

Unless Ross is misunderstanding this, you are saying BS is fair now? Let me go find something. "bs made surges more then 50% less OP and you want to kill them completely?" First you say BS is bad for surges making them 50% less op, then you are saying it is fair because it affects all bot types? Evade tag would also be "fair" then as it can affect all bot types also.

Omnomnom eating toast.


June 06, 2013, 04:49:53 PM #46 Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 04:57:14 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: nanak tatum on June 06, 2013, 04:44:23 PM
This argument is still going on?

Yes, because the other people are too blind to realize evade is a giant piece of shit (or that Ross is apparently blind to see the polished side of this turd), and that is does not help surges that much. They cling on to evade too much and don't see the bigger picture.  ::)

"evade is crap, just leads to lag and then you have people like Corr raging and complaining at you about your lag, and it just creates a giant evade chain where you lose 50% of your HP in 1 go, while you sit there for 5 mins trying to get out."

This is not what PvP or evade was intended for. All evade does is create meaningless lag that is bad for both sides. No 2 fully equipped Surges can have a 1v1 without evade lag so in a sense no 1v1 with evade is fair.

Omnomnom eating toast.


Quote from: nanak tatum on June 06, 2013, 04:44:23 PM
This argument is still going on?
No, you're looking at a different thread.
Useless post much.  >:(

I kinda dislike this idea. Having a speed tag and an evade tag pretty much ruins the purpose of having a surge (Guns aren't taken into consideration because a ram can deal ~600 dmg and a surge ~900, so it's not too big of a difference). With speed and no evade rams will dominate these rooms as they have a bigger hitbox and can trans rape everyone. Even with no trans the base dmg a ram deals is higher than the one of surges.

The no trans tag that supposedly ruins rams actually ruins all the other bot types too because they can't trans either, and an experienced surge user should be able to run from a transed ram and then trans rape him. Whereas the evade tag only affects surges, because I've never seen an evade ram or patch before.

The evade tag might not seem too much of a big deal, but it's something that gives surges the edge in pvp. One evasion here, one evasion there and you might just evade 2k dmg that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Yeah I know that you're not gonna be forced to use the "button", however I'm pretty sure you'll see all the pvp rooms with no evade on.
Also just pointing out that the server is kinda slowly turning into a pvp-only server, as you can now use "buttons" to have pretty much every stat. You can use a level 1 character and win every game with speed and god tags on.

I'm tired and I may be wrong, but this is my opinion, and please don't drag me into this debate. @_@


June 06, 2013, 05:05:38 PM #48 Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 05:18:12 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: hawk5005 on June 06, 2013, 04:59:56 PM
Quote from: nanak tatum on June 06, 2013, 04:44:23 PM
This argument is still going on?
No, you're looking at a different thread.
Useless post much.  >:(

I kinda dislike this idea. Having a speed tag and an evade tag pretty much ruins the purpose of having a surge (Guns aren't taken into consideration because a ram can deal ~600 dmg and a surge ~900, so it's not too big of a difference). With speed and no evade rams will dominate these rooms as they have a bigger hitbox and can trans rape everyone. Even with no trans the base dmg a ram deals is higher than the one of surges.

The no trans tag that supposedly ruins rams actually ruins all the other bot types too because they can't trans either, and an experienced surge user should be able to run from a transed ram and then trans rape him. Whereas the evade tag only affects surges, because I've never seen an evade ram or patch before.

The evade tag might not seem too much of a big deal, but it's something that gives surges the edge in pvp. One evasion here, one evasion there and you might just evade 2k dmg that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Yeah I know that you're not gonna be forced to use the "button", however I'm pretty sure you'll see all the pvp rooms with no evade on.
Also just pointing out that the server is kinda slowly turning into a pvp-only server, as you can now use "buttons" to have pretty much every stat. You can use a level 1 character and win every game with speed and god tags on.

I'm tired and I may be wrong, but this is my opinion, and please don't drag me into this debate. @_@

At least someone decent has posted.

300 gun damage can make a difference, if you shoot them a lot. Just like how you talked about evade, a shot here and a shot there, and they may have taken 2k more damage that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

However "One evasion here, one evasion there and you might just evade 2k dmg that can turn the tide of battle in your favor." May not always happen, you may get free every so often mainly in a ffa but then you fight people like imag, they will evade chain you which makes you lose more hp that if you did not have evade.  ::)

[12:12:23 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: how bout
[12:12:25 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: make it into a tag
[12:12:29 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: like evade tag then
[12:12:31 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: not remove from game
[12:12:33 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: completely
[12:12:33 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: that is what the post is
[12:12:37 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: oh
[12:12:39 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: then ya sure
[12:12:39 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: "Evade tag for pvp/ bvb to set it to 0-w/e. "
[12:12:39 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: do it
[12:12:45 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: i already sujjested it
[12:12:51 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: 4 pages into arguing with people
[12:12:55 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: lol
[12:12:59 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: well if i could post
[12:13:02 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: i'd side with you
[12:13:17 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: they say there is already a speed tag so adding an evade tag will ruin surges
[12:13:28 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: altho id say evade is not what makes surges op
[12:13:30 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: anyways
[12:13:32 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: you get the point
[12:13:59 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: ya
[12:14:00 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: i do
[12:14:19 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: regardless, it's a tag, so you have the option to make it evade or no evade
[12:14:19 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: lol
[12:14:25 PM] ℛ ☉ Ꭶ Ꭶ ☚: ya
[12:14:34 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: i dont see why people argueing
[12:14:40 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: you won'tk now if it ****s up surges
[12:14:42 PM] Sorra aaaaaaah: until you try

Omnomnom eating toast.


Quote from: nanak tatum on June 06, 2013, 05:15:10 PM
If this is added, people will complain or be happy for a bit, then no one will care. It is just evade after all.


Don't like? Don't play in rooms that have the tag. Like? Then go ahead and use it. Besides having 100000 evade might be fun for a lulz game, and to train your evade chaining skills, that you all love so much, and having 0 evade will make PvP more in a sence PvP, than just lag-ness.

Omnomnom eating toast.


"Anyways it is apparently not that OP according to what poke said as apparently you can only hit people 2x per game. Also the normal guns at best hit 300, which is little to none damage compared to what players hit and the amount of hp they have, it is not worth hitting them down giving them an invincibility time. So it is not that OP."

"300 gun damage can make a difference, if you shoot them a lot. Just like how you talked about evade, a shot here and a shot there, and they may have taken 2k more damage that can turn the tide of battle in your favor."

Lol am i the only one that see the conflict?

Anyway if you dont want evade so buy coins items without evade and use your ram\patch with bs and you are good to go.
If you dont like evade just dont use surge lol.
It is like chosing a type of bot and decide which stats you want and what you dont want to have.
The point of the game is to play with your bot dealing with the advantages and disadvantages, also tc was removed for a reason- people should play with 1 main bot type and deal with it for the good or bad like old bots.

"evade is crap, just leads to lag and then you have people like Corr raging and complaining at you about your lag, and it just creates a giant evade chain where you lose 50% of your HP in 1 go, while you sit there for 5 mins trying to get out."

what corr have to do with it? i dont care about him he just rage about everything, he can continue raging all he want.

Anyway this is just my opinion i dont want to argue anyway, good luck with your suggestion (:


June 06, 2013, 05:43:30 PM #51 Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 06:00:25 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: matan124 on June 06, 2013, 05:32:52 PM
"Anyways it is apparently not that OP according to what poke said as apparently you can only hit people 2x per game. Also the normal guns at best hit 300, which is little to none damage compared to what players hit and the amount of hp they have, it is not worth hitting them down giving them an invincibility time. So it is not that OP."

"300 gun damage can make a difference, if you shoot them a lot. Just like how you talked about evade, a shot here and a shot there, and they may have taken 2k more damage that can turn the tide of battle in your favor."

Lol am i the only one that see the conflict?

Anyway if you dont want evade so buy coins items without evade and use your ram\patch with bs and you are good to go.
If you dont like evade just dont use surge lol.
It is like chosing a type of bot and decide which stats you want and what you dont want to have.
The point of the game is to play with your bot dealing with the advantages and disadvantages, also tc was removed for a reason- people should play with 1 main bot type and deal with it for the good or bad like old bots.

"evade is crap, just leads to lag and then you have people like Corr raging and complaining at you about your lag, and it just creates a giant evade chain where you lose 50% of your HP in 1 go, while you sit there for 5 mins trying to get out."

what corr have to do with it? i dont care about him he just rage about everything, he can continue raging all he want.

Anyway this is just my opinion i dont want to argue anyway, good luck with your suggestion (:

"Lol am i the only one that see the conflict?"

"apparently not that OP according to what poke said"

The 2nd quote had to do with comparing surges to rams, not necessarily to do with DM, he was showing that surge does have an edge when it comes to using guns. So the 2 quotes are basically irrelevant. The same comparison in the 2nd quote can be sued for any gun, as for the "2k" damage Ross simply used the same numbers Hawk used.

"what corr have to do with it? i dont care about him he just rage about everything, he can continue raging all he want."

Corr was just an example you nub. Replace "Corr" with anyone if you really care, people always complain like mad when it comes to lag, even you, and yes Ross. Besides you avoided the whole point of what Ross said. 1v1 should not even count anymore considering how much it is altered by lag, heck did you know this game has a problem with rendering a persons position is different screens? You could see a person in 1 spot standing still but they are actually in a different spot, also don't get this confused with ping, that is a completely different addition onto the lag. If you want to test this out Ross can show you, this is not a rare occurrence it is always happening, where you see where they are is actually a lie. Never mind adding evade lag onto this broken laggy-ass game.

Evade is shit.  ::)

"Anyway if you dont want evade so buy coins items without evade and use your ram\patch with bs and you are good to go.
If you dont like evade just dont use surge lol."

1. Like Ross said the other coin sets are complete crap, and yes sometimes Ross uses non-eavde sets at times. See below for the ram/ patch with BS.

"If you dont like evade just dont use surge lol."

*Hits head on desk.*

Won't even bother anymore explaining that Surges are OP in all game modes, even with the tags. Went though this 100x.  ::)

This is just going in a circle, against: "evade will **** up surges," Ross: Evade is not even the main component of Surges and is more of a negative than a positive,  you fail to realize this.

Tired now from going on this loop over and over, Ross and everyone has said what they wanted to say already. Up to Allie now as she is actually a logical person.  ::)

Omnomnom eating toast.


Evade is most cases devastating.

I don't see the problem if this gets added, it would just be an added feature to the game. Don't like it? Simply make your own room with the tags you prefer to have.

It's about preference, and this would be an extension of that.

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