In base maps, where the bases are supposed too be, their is a stack of gold on each side (like 10 gold bars) and their is a line through half of the map and their are 2 teams, red and blue.
Each side of the map is gfx'd too be the team color and if you go too the other side and get hit, its 1 hit ko and you get 5 lives like in base and revive like in base.
whoever gets the other teams gold first wins.
No merces obviously because their mindless and are hard too code.
If you don't get the map part imagine it like aerodeck, half red, half blue and where the bases are their is a stack of gold.
Just a stack of gold where the bases are, and you can only take 1 gold at a time, then when you go back the game senses you have gold and you put the gold on your side where the bases are and get out, but then if you go in without gold, auto death.
I got the idea from when i was in elementary school