metorium - 200m
dse - 150m
metojack - 400m
jack - 90m
liger (dont have enough giggas atm but would pay 1.2b)
block (dont have enough giggas atm but would pay 1.2b)
deadkitten - 650m
miasma - 30m
S - 37.5m
R - 23.5m
P - 25m
halloween aura II - 200m
reaper flags - 15m each or 32.5m per set
Trans packs!
halloween trans - 20m
perm jura - 300m
Sheilds and shoulders!
Rudolph - 3m
santa - 3m
halloween sheild - 5m
halloween shoulder - 5m
omni and discus +4 - 5m each
walker bro - 40m
attack bot v3 - 450m
darkbot - 120m
If you have any items for sell that are not listed please post how much you want for the item
yes these prices is a little under average price but i am paying pure giggas and of cource i intent to make a little profit.
my ign is "-PoKa-"