In game benefits:
1. Members can gain up to a max level of 270, where as non-members can only reach a max level of 225.
2. Members can wear all items up to level 270, including member exclusive items (such as certain flags and Elite (E) armor that non-members cannot use.)
3. Members are able to use 5 stashes instead of the non-member amount of 3.
4. Members have 3% (300) more luck.
5. Members gain double the amount of experience than a non-members.
6. Members have the ability to change their in-game name (IGN) with the name changer.
7. Members have a purple-ish in-game text, when talking in the lobby.
- If you are above level 225 and cancel your membership, your level will go back to level 225.
- If you become a member your level will change to the level you should be at with your current experience. (Considering your exp is over the required amount for level 225.)
- You can type @memberbenefits to see the list in game.
Forum benefits:
1. Members are able to set a "Custom Title," that is displayed under the users forum name.
2. Members are able to delete their own topics.
3. Says "Member," under their Custom Title.
4. Members have a "" under their user title.
- July 24, 2011: Changed luck from 500 to 300.
- May 10, 2012: Updated levels. (200 to 221)
- August 8, 2012: Removed in-game text color.
- November 6, 2012: 40,000 coin gain moved from Monday, to Sunday.
- April 23, 2013: Members no longer get coins.
- September 17, 2013: Level cap increased (non-member: 172 to 225, member 221 to 270).
- December 23, 2013: In-game text color was brought back.