1. Personally i dont think the problem with coin guns is not that they are expensive, the problem with coin guns is that they dont give in most of the cases a higher benefit to an user than a normal lv 150 +3 gun do. Just because the damage difference is not much.
2. It's just illogical that staff ban over assumptions.
3. Oh well... Connection will be always a problem, but Kenny is always serching here how to upgrade this server so that the connection between players be better.
4. Beggers it's not that big problem, but you know that even where there are alot of benefits people will still want free stuff, but i havent seem that much of people begging.
5. It's not that easy, there is needed before banning proves, and if as you said they hack alone, you cant join his room with your staff account, because you will be simply kicked, and neither with another account because room his locked..
6. Wow at this point, evidence now pls, thats a really serious accusation. If you say that it's because you have how to prove it.