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Started by ZeroUH, July 07, 2011, 01:16:07 AM

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Well... I'm not good at this but I must do it.
Zero is leaving Zylon Staff. Why? I was thinking in leave when my classes start again... As some of you know, I'm in a university and things will get REALLY serious for me on next semester. Because of this, I think I can't help the community as a good and active moderator... But, since last semester was stressful, in special at the end, I need take a time and relax. Plus, the new moderators are competent, we have a good Staff team working on forums. Even if I stay on the team and just be inactive, or not active enough during July, it's unfair... There are a lots of people trying to become Moderators. I can't just hold the position... This is a sad news for some people and, maybe, good for others.
I'm not quitting the game or the forum, at least, not now. You guys will meet me here or in-game sometimes.
Thank you, Allie and RedEyes, for the oportunity.
See ya later!



I know I already told you this, but good luck and have fun. Don't slack off in class, don't do drugs, uhhh...don't get drunk. Ok that's all I can think of. Remember us dammit, you're always welcome back here.

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


bye Zero, have a goodtime  :'(


Good luck and have fun!
Cya. :-\




If you don't pass your classes with flying colors dis *****s gonna be ringin you out.

Good luck sir, I liked what you did for the community and you will be missed (as a staff member anyways since you aren't really leaving yet).


Gl man.You were always a good mod.

(click to show/hide)


Don't forget me.   :'(


gl ;o
have fun in uni and never forget us XD
ZeaL Rank 1 BvB, just because

vv secks box


Good luck in your life Zero. Cya in Brazil 2014 ;)
Thanx to Meta, Jason and Surgey for the Signs :]


BB Zero, was nice to have you around.

^^meaty, muncay, zom & kenny <3

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