I think you had it good but the very back layer got all Lq'd up, bland and unmatching, I'd recommend making it much less noticeable.. blend the BG with itself, y'know? :/
I don't see much of a prob. with the text apart from it not totally matching, otherwise that's probably the best spot you could have placed it aside from typical areas (corners, directly on render etc.) and is fine as it is, no more blend needed on that
C4ding the **** out of the render isn't good, it may look like its blending but its really not. You gotta use specific tools and brushes to make the render blend more than c4d's will, and c4d's are more for spread-effect not concentrated effect because otherwise the focal becomes too strong and becomes just a sig that basically is a big focal.
Back on blending; the render, where's the blend? Touch up the colors brah. You just see, to paste the render and then work AROUND it but the render needs lighting and crap to make it suit the sig as a whole.
And the bg should probably just be made much less visible so it doesn't draw the attention from the focal. Could go on but it's 5 am so hey yeah wow man.. in summary I like it and you didn't **** up in that many areas at all, it had more places you could have done better in that otherwise tho.. Just remember what I said on render lighting, it's much more important than it seems..
^ really crap 5 am rusty cnc