I will be in the tournament and there are an infinite number of spots, the winner will receive 100k Bot-Stract!! ( the prize will be raised if I recieve more or reduced if I receive less)
Items Restricted:
All II
Mobility Boost
Dark Meto
This Tournament will take place next weekend (7th October to 9th October)
this tournament will cost you 10k bs to enter so only join if you think you have the potential to win, please stick to the app when posting & gift the money to my IGN: OG BonzoDog
ths tournament will only take place if I get at least 10 participants, if I don't then the Bot Stract will be sent straight back.
The map that will be used is: FLOP
1 ) OG BonzoDog
2 ) Admin Allie - Level 200
3 ) GamingProDillh (Reserve) - Level 174
4 ) KompyIsBack - Level 200
5 ) CM Yzed - Level 200
6 ) Allison - Level 200
7 ) -TwEeTy-BiRd- - Level 200
8 )
9 )
10 )
11 )
12 )
13 )
14 )
15 )
Games will be picked by a random number generator, for example if the number generator picks number 1 and number 3 it will be me vs Dillh.