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My attempt on Stealthluminum

Started by kev453, September 15, 2010, 09:06:25 AM

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September 15, 2010, 09:06:25 AM Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 05:32:57 AM by kev453
Offtopic: I never knew it was Illuminum, I always thought it was Illunium.

Now, because Illuminum is made of round surfaces, it was hard to get the color right. I'm sure Hidden will do a better job than I but since he's computer is down atm I'm just giving this to the people who are desperate.

Update (added fx to the body):

Link updated aswell.



idk... =o

i want to like it... but i dont D= looks too random with the neon


Thats the concept ._.
Anyways, good job on where you placed the effects, the head needs abit of help though. The body should have some more neon on the front (my suggestion)


(click to show/hide)


i'm on the same line as berserker but as i look at it more i like it more but for the eyes can you make them the same colour as the neon

also I am having trouble getting it to show in-game please help
< by surgeypurgey


Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


It's not even bad, the SS is real LQ. But not bad in game.


wow...but should add light-blue lines on the body too... :) GJ!


Quote from: Styx666 on September 15, 2010, 09:11:10 AM
Thats the concept ._.
Anyways, good job on where you placed the effects, the head needs abit of help though. The body should have some more neon on the front (my suggestion)

kinda... im not sayin heys bad at it... coz im using his stealth plasmodium, it rox =D

but this 1... imo doesnt look right, on the [head] and  [left arm on the side part] <~ left arm from the last SS


You did great: far surpasses your Plasmodium stealth, and every other mod made in this community thus far.


Change the elekra to this.

Title it "stealthmodium".

- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


Thanks to LiquidChaos^


Quote from: Optimism on September 15, 2010, 06:03:29 PM
Change the elekra to this.

Title it "stealthmodium".


I like this quote.


Quote from: Allie on September 15, 2010, 05:54:21 PM
You did great: far surpasses your Plasmodium stealth, and every other mod made in this community thus far.
You make me laugh.


Quote from: Allie on September 15, 2010, 05:54:21 PM
You did great: far surpasses your Plasmodium stealth, and every other mod made in this community thus far.

Yet there's iri's modded sand flop and fyah's eletkra mod in-game ::)
Am I missing any modded stuff?

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