reserved. 1/4 of redemption plan put into action

more to come
News of April
-Redemption reformed
-Utopia & Redemption threads merged
-Utopia & Redemption = Brother/Sister guilds
-Redemption = "The_Company" v2. More to come with this later..
more later.
-Bots Remake announced, here is the listing of members for Utopia & Red
1: sH4rDs [my surge main]
2: Hjuler
3: Gramps
4: Meteor
5: Robo
6: Dillh
7: popeye
8: Smokin Turtles
9: Iri
10: Meta
Redemption PvP Team-
1: sH4rDs
2. Meta
3. Iri
4. Meteor
1: Yz [my patch or ram alt that I'll play on almost as actively as my main which will be hella active :33]
2: Neo
3: Hawk
4: Toast
5: antisickness
6: Nuclaeon
7: RedNeon
8: HelixLive
9: Dewo
10: Allie
Utopia PvP Team-
1: Yz
2: Neo
3: RedNeon
4: Allie