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Started by Yz, October 19, 2011, 06:20:57 AM

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All 3of em could revive, and help each other out.
Because they all 3 are good and every1 of em are active?
You just need 1of em who is the one who replace members :P

Btw if i wasn't busy with my guild, would i be leading? xP
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DISCORD killyzkill


I would revive this guild if it was renamed to "Rise Against" or "Redemption"

I would do my best to make it active and get alot of points.
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im not naming a guild after a band lol nor am i renaming it at all, redemption is an elite extinct guild and it's not around anymore in BC.
DISCORD killyzkill


Rise against wasn't suposed to be named after a band..

And i like the name :-P

Do you think i could do a great job as guild master in utop?
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probly not since u go inactive a lot lawl
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on June 12, 2012, 07:43:35 AM
probly not since u go inactive a lot lawl
Nah, i did, but i don't do it any more :P

I am going to drop out from work if i get a school place, then i get on night and day :P

But i can lead utop, but is it worth for me that i can show you/others that i can revive a guild and get it active? Huh?
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June 12, 2012, 08:49:52 AM #412 Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 08:52:18 AM by hawk5005
Nuc? He's not even as active as I am lol.
I'd say Meteor if I didn't know he'd make havoc in this guild if he rules it all by himself.
Neo is the best option I guess, but he isn't really active either because of exams.


Quote from: hawk5005 on June 12, 2012, 08:49:52 AM
Nuc? He's not even as active as I am lol.
I'd say Meteor if I didn't know he'd make havoc in this guild if he rules it all by himself.
Neo is the best option I guess, but he isn't really active either because of exams.

Shows how much you know. I've been more active than anyone in Utp this whole week lol.

BC: Nuc | Kyura
GC: SaphireFlare


Quote from: hawk5005 on June 12, 2012, 08:49:52 AM
Nuc? He's not even as active as I am lol.
I'd say Meteor if I didn't know he'd make havoc in this guild if he rules it all by himself.
Neo is the best option I guess, but he isn't really active either because of exams.
I don't know if i can revive a guild where 3/46 people are active, this is bunch of a work, a lot of people need to get replaced.
I'd prefer nuc to do that job since he seems motivated.


full inactive guild cannot probbly revived by the active leader itself ;o


Quote from: Nucleaon on June 12, 2012, 09:12:58 AM
Shows how much you know. I've been more active than anyone in Utp this whole week lol.
Well then sorry about that, just that I never see you online when I am.
Alright then, +1 to nuc.


+1 for nuc and neo ;) because mete said no to it.

Better being both maybe, because then it is more chance to get it worked out ;)

You guys can do this and gl! ^^
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Hey if this guild becomes active would there be any room for me i am not 100% sure if I will join.Thanks for your time guys
PT Dillh (Steveroseik-) | Guild : Prestige | Lvl : 270 |


Quote from: Mod Robo on June 12, 2012, 09:30:31 AM
+1 for nuc and neo ;) because mete said no to it.

Better being both maybe, because then it is more chance to get it worked out ;)

You guys can do this and gl! ^^
I'll help out anyway no matter who becomes leader.

Quote from: Dillh on June 12, 2012, 09:37:35 AM
Hey if this guild becomes active would there be any room for me i am not 100% sure if I will join.Thanks for your time guys
But on main account please, not on an alt.

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