This game is a very fun pvp game i made a bit back. Rules are simple. There is 1 juggernaut (short term , jugger).
This is played as a team match where the jugger is blue and everyone else is red. Your goal as jugger is not to get killed... lol. Your goal as the red team (non juggers) is to chase down the jugger and be the one to kill him. If your the one that kills the juggernaut you become the new one and step up in thier place, meening you would swap teams with jugger and you become blue.
Ways to win is to normaly kill the person via hitting them to death (lol) , pushing them, and so forth. Rush pushing is fair game but frowned upon. If both the jugger and person who killed fall at same time while in midair there is no new jugger (this rule is void if the killer lands on something and then slips ).
The main map for this game is hoverbyte city due to it's size, hiding places, and so forth. If a jugger survives 2 games they have the option to choose a different map, if a new jugger takes place while a different map is in play then the map is automaticaly set back to hoverbyte.
The only people i allow to host or call if the jugger was succesfully killed in a game of juggernaut is me, Xenopath,grim , Divine evil (if he gets back on game soon), and mods/admins.
If caught hosting juggernaut (without my permission, ask if you wish to, if i'm not online to ask, do not host...) i will take to a mod or Allie.
If you see someone hosting juggernaut that isn't one of the people i listed please tell me thier name and i will handle it depending on who is is and whether they asked or not.
Thanks, enjoy juggernaut