Okay, I tried my best not to say this publicly, but I've already broken my promise to not be disrespectful on these forums by getting ticked off, and I will return to such tomorrow.
Have you guys not seen my thread in screenshots?
This trans, whether you want to look at it as such or not, is quite possibly the most useful trans in the game.
Would you say surges are better pvpers than patches?
I would. Because surges are faster.
So..would you say a surge with 1200 speed or a surge with 1300 speed has a better advantage?
what say you make a full speed set? Or do you not like that ~1900 speed you can obtain as a level 200 surge.
The speed alone makes it the most powerful trans as it actively affects your gameplay in and out of trans, unlike a normal trans where it only helps in trans.
In the example of a ram using it, with a full speed set such as what I have, you will have a ram with the speed of a surge hitting at least 1.5x as much in trans as your opponent.
Think that's worth it? I do.
Please think more of its uses before complaining about it -- this is just as useful as dark meto, if not more as it is an active help rather than a called upon help.
Plus, it's a 5 minute event that you probably cheated on anyway, so don't complain at all.