My side of the Administration is generally the side that "keeps things going".
I make sure the community is having minimal problems, decide on most decisions for the game by what I feel will keep the game running as smoothly as possible, and make sure the game doesn't "go downhill".
It's my job to keep people playing, provide decisions on updates (often provide the updates myself) and keep the players happy to the best of my ability.
In addition to this, I do most of the work dealing with the players and most of the work regarding the database.
Kenny's side of the Administration is to provide the game, to put it as loosely as possible.
He is the head programmer of the game and takes what I tell him to do and makes it a reality.
RedShadow's side of the Administration is basically to provide external research and programs on the game.
For example, he was able to find out the format of the model editor, than code a converter so it can be modified.