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Suggesting a mod

Started by redoomer, November 12, 2011, 06:59:59 PM

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I got a friend who is a good player and an obiedient rule enforcer...so im wondering if you could make a mod voting system so players can vote to assign a new moderator(going through GMs first of course). this is for my friend, Robbe, a lvl 200. anyone for this idea, good on ya. anyone against it...oh well. cya on the servers ma peeps

VirusSurgeon LVL35 surge


Lol, we had one of those where the people who want to be a mod applied. That was recently taken away, mods are now chosen from ingame actions.

BC: Nuc | Kyura
GC: SaphireFlare


yes like our new staff members :3


i think it is a pretty good idea but most lower lvls wont forum allot so they would never vote for people that helped them
so u only have the high lvls that vote so if you are hated you will never become a Mod not even when u are actually really helping allot of players
most Mod's are almost always afk or something
i dont say this because i now get proposed to become a Mod by this player
ofcourse i want to become a mod and i try to help as much as i can


Let me just gift 10k bs to everyone in the game so they can vote me.
Voting a Mod isn't based of how rich he/she is ( paying randoms players to vote for him ) or how much he/she plays sector ( training random players to vote for him ), it's based of how they act.
So, nope.


Quote from: hawk5005 on November 13, 2011, 09:11:51 AM
Let me just gift 10k bs to everyone in the game so they can vote me.
Voting a Mod isn't based of how rich he/she is ( paying randoms players to vote for him ) or how much he/she plays sector ( training random players to vote for him ), it's based of how they act.
So, nope.

if u clearly read he says that the average player can suggest someone and that the Staff than vote if he actually is good enough so if u would give everyone your money than they will suggest you but that doesn't mean that the Staff will agree because u cannot or u should not beable to bribe them ;)


Quote from: redoomer on November 12, 2011, 06:59:59 PM
I got a friend who is a good player and an obiedient rule enforcer...so im wondering if you could make a mod voting system so players can vote to assign a new moderator(going through GMs first of course). this is for my friend, Robbe, a lvl 200. anyone for this idea, good on ya. anyone against it...oh well. cya on the servers ma peeps
LOL!! You're kidding right? Robbe? Kid was qqing yesterday because I kicked him out of a pvp room and I was lv 80.
He wasn't even good. At all. C4LV1N (lv 120) got him to below yellow by himself. And he had a hard time chasing me down when I was doing laps around flop.

Another note, he kept wisping me "Noob" "Scared" and I was like "seriously, I'm lv 80, I'll 1v1 you when I get to a higher lv"

So much for him being a "good player"


ye i've seen robbe acting bad sometimes too
DISCORD killyzkill


November 15, 2011, 03:02:49 AM #8 Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 03:03:18 AM by asmit10
k new plan suggest me for mod!!1!!!

on  topic:ya i've seen him acting wrong to.
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


November 15, 2011, 09:01:15 AM #9 Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 09:01:44 AM by XenoPath
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. True. ;)

EDIT: My bad for reviving -.-

~Credits to Shadow and Jeffalo~ :D

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