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Where is Tricky?

Started by Yoshi91, November 25, 2011, 09:03:31 PM

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November 25, 2011, 09:03:31 PM Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 09:05:00 PM by Yoshi91
Where did he go?? I actually kind of miss his yapping-debates and pro-skills of taking care of matters.

Seriously. Why am I even doing this? But anyway, where did our community manager go?
Did I miss something?

Oh sht, I take that back. I just checked and he was on today. but... WHY ISN'T HE TAKING CARE OF MATTERS QUICKLY AND ON 24-7 ANYMAOR?


There is something called real life  ::)


Australian timezone amirite


Tricky was actually on 24/7 before. I guess now he's getting some routine sleep? That or his new DJ equipment ~.~


November 25, 2011, 10:08:21 PM #4 Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 10:09:05 PM by Selene
Tricky told me he quit because...

I say:
Tricky did you quit?
Tricky [bai] says:
ya lul
gtg in 2 mins
I say:
Tricky [bai] says:
gaming gives a false sense of accomplishment
Tricky [bai] says:
im not accomplishing anything playing BC


that's funny cuz gaming is gaming; you won't get anything out of it instead of fun. idk where he got the idea you get some accomplishment about being a CM :>


not gone still on like 2 mins a day or two lulz

poke this game wasnt fun a long time ago for me xD stuck around for community

but i picked up like 3 hobbies since then and now no longer has the time for anything but visiting (not claiming im anymore important than any of you i just prefer to be working on other things rather than playing)

not on msn anymore either but you can bug me on FB if you have me
DISCORD killyzkill

droid zylon1

damn you real life!
you really ****ed this one up!
you went and took my trixter from me!

lol gona be missed tricky. :-| (allways so nice to me even though i ****ed up things alot for him)



Mind your language ~.~ I lold at "damn you real life".

I think tricky is avoiding a goodbye parade lul


Quote from: Yz on November 25, 2011, 10:15:25 PM
not on msn anymore either but you can bug me on FB if you have me
then ima spam ur fb  ; D



I'll leave it at that.

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