Kay i got a few:
1) Renamable stashes - don't you hate it when your in a hurry as evil met is gunna start the game without you and you need something? and you get to the shop and remember you left it in a stash? and then you search through every single one because you forgot where you left your shite in? and finally you find what you need, only to find met has started.
Basically, the idea is that you can rename your stashes, so you can have say one for electra, one for skills+transes, one for bladium, one for event rares/normal rares and one for other stuff? i think it would be quite useful

2) Stakes - you can add a stake to the room. basically (idk how it might work but heres an example) if the room has {stake} tag, slot 8 will be auto closed an displays what is on stake. you can add stuff to the stake an so can other people. when you are all happy you can press rdy..an quite simply the winner gets all (maybe restict it to coins gigas an bs only if ya want just another idea)
3) No trans - A simple room tag {nt} to restrict transing of the bots..quite simple
4) no drops (pvp) - Another room tag for pvp {nd} that no hp or trans ups drop (useful for flopping)
5) kay this is ma last idea (for now) an it has some ups an downs but its just an idea

K so its sort of a new type of game mode, but for base. I see that popularity of base has dropped a bit, so here is the idea. For a base room, you have the room tag {em}, enable mobs. This is where all the players are on a base team against mobs, and the base rules are as normal, an you each get 5 lives an stuff. to add variety maybe you could make it {emx} where x is a number 1-5. 1 is the easiest, 5 is the hardest, so its basically base vs mobs with different difficulty settings.
Feel free to attack my ideas an prove to me they are rubbish
