I will make this simpler: BOTS!! Skin was better and I want it back. You may say that you don't like it to put me down.
Even if I wasn't here, I would still know what has happened in the past. So I can speak about whatever I want.
Lol, staying on topic? Who made you a Forum Moderator? Guys, this guy can't even understand what's on-topic and what's off-topic
I don't care about your shit, so don't try talking to talk to me about your shit with that attitude. No one will give a shit about you for talking about me.
Every person will have a mistake once or twice.
Kiddo, you do not know anything about iMey. He isn't an attention whore; attention will come to him instantly no matter what.
Did I ever say that? You're just saying what you think. You would be better off if you didn't talk about me anymore. If you keep on posting this kind of crap, I will have to talk about you, which I'm not interested in dealing with. You are too insignificant for me to care.
Like I said before, I can understand the everything stated in this thread even if he wasn't present back in the day.