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Remember Me??

Started by Revenge10, April 20, 2012, 07:57:35 PM

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okei i think every one know me iam Revo , Teen Revo or what ever my IGN is .. i just wanted to tell every one who i really is .. so i decided making this .. remember "TheLeader" ?? iam sure Zero & kenny knows him .. Revo is TheLeader , TheLeader is Revo and the other accounts they are all mine .. check the ban list to know why i was hinding this .. i just made this topic and this account to prove that iam not that bad and every one can be better that what they are .. ummmm and i think most of the staffs know that iam one off the few reporters and helpers in the game .. i report hacks , any rule breakers etc. .. i think 90% of the people knew "TheLeader" are now shocked looks like this :O .. thats all i want to say .. and if you want to ban me as you like iam not afraid anymore .. yes i did a mistake a big one but i made alot of good things in exchange
yours faithfully,TheLeader (Revo)


TheLeader sounds familiar.
But I have no ****ing idea who that was.


a boutcheeetah old hacker?! :S


There were 200000000000000000000000000000 hackers in boutcheetah.


a famous one who was banned like 10 times with 3-4 diff accounts and ip banned


Honestly, This Is My Opinion.

If You were a hacker, Why should anyone believe that you changed or you are not a hacker anymore? You should just be mac banned and kept that way, unless you PROVE and REALLY have changed, then honestly, if it was me i wouldn't let you back in. You could have easily help others who want hacks to develop there hacking skills and attack boutcheetah more.



Quote from: daluzman123 on April 20, 2012, 08:28:01 PM
Honestly, This Is My Opinion.

If You were a hacker, Why should anyone believe that you changed or you are not a hacker anymore? You should just be mac banned and kept that way, unless you PROVE and REALLY have changed, then honestly, if it was me i wouldn't let you back in. You could have easily help others who want hacks to develop there hacking skills and attack boutcheetah more.


all of my reports ia a proof being in contact with admins & mods & gms is a proof & the players logs is a proof etc.


bc is owned by hackers noob


April 20, 2012, 08:31:13 PM #8 Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 08:33:10 PM by Selene
Quote from: daluzman123 on April 20, 2012, 08:28:01 PM
Honestly, This Is My Opinion.

If You were a hacker, Why should anyone believe that you changed or you are not a hacker anymore? You should just be mac banned and kept that way, unless you PROVE and REALLY have changed, then honestly, if it was me i wouldn't let you back in. You could have easily help others who want hacks to develop there hacking skills and attack boutcheetah more.


Did you know most of the staff hacked or hacked leech and all of us changed.


Quote from: Selene on April 20, 2012, 08:31:13 PM
Quote from: daluzman123 on April 20, 2012, 08:28:01 PM
Honestly, This Is My Opinion.

If You were a hacker, Why should anyone believe that you changed or you are not a hacker anymore? You should just be mac banned and kept that way, unless you PROVE and REALLY have changed, then honestly, if it was me i wouldn't let you back in. You could have easily help others who want hacks to develop there hacking skills and attack boutcheetah more.


Did you know most of the staff hacked or hacked leech and all of us changed.

Did you know most of the staff hacked or hacked leech and most of them are bad?
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


You Didn't read what i stated as i said. If You HACKED to BRING DOWN Boutcheetah, You shouldn't be let back in. Hacking Boutcheetah is pretty much just destroying it slowly.



Quote from: Selene on April 20, 2012, 08:31:13 PM

Did you know most of the staff hacked or hacked leech and all of us changed.

and when i changed i changed to mush better .. i changed like no body ever knew me


Quote from: Revenge10 on April 20, 2012, 08:36:58 PM
Quote from: Selene on April 20, 2012, 08:31:13 PM

Did you know most of the staff hacked or hacked leech and all of us changed.

and when i changed i changed to mush better .. i changed like no body ever knew me

ya and nobody knows you

droid zylon1

uhm TheLeader aka revo i rember you quite well. You allways raged lol. I rember u hackthing and stuff about 2 years ago (maybe not that long but i think it was close to that). but yeh i rember you. Just dont hack no more because its allrdy easy to lvl :D.


^^meaty, muncay, zom & kenny <3

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