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Anyone want to make some money? - asmit10

Started by asmit10, May 23, 2012, 01:29:21 AM

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This involves a Minecraft server, now that you know this, you may want to stop reading if you despise Minecraft and don't want it to be a part of your life.

Now that that's out of the way - I need some people to do specific jobs, to help develop a server that I plan on making. This ISgoing to be a server that's FOR profit. Each person that helps (actively) will get a certain % of money after the server costs are payed(We can discuss the % later).

First, I need a tech person. You MUST know how to use McMyAdmin, configure mods, etc. This isn't exactly a hard job, mods tell you how to configure things, and McMyAdmin is very easy to learn, but if this works out I won't have time to deal with things like configuring mods.

Second, I need a marketer. The marketer will need to know how to setup a basic website, get people to buy things(currency, skills, items, etc), and know how to spread the word of the server. Like, choosing the perfect screenshots, knowing the perfect things to do to excite people and make them think they ABSOLUTLY have to come to the server.

Third, I need an artist. Probably more than one. This will be the easiest(for some people), but most time consuming job before the server is actually public. You will need to build spawn, statues, boats, monuments, anything that makes someone go "Wow! That's awesome, I should buy that plot of land!!!".

Fourth, I need a community manager. I will be able to do this, most of the time, but if the server grows into something that makes a huge profit/month, than I will need more. You're the person replying to all the forums, facebook (once made), twitter (once made), in-game happiness. Basically, you make sure the community is happy.

Fifth, I need admins and mods. Obviously this wont be needed if I don't get people for the above 4 categories, that's why I put this last. This probably the easiest thing to get fired from, because if you make a mistake like ruin the economy, ban people for no reason, etc, I will promptly ban you and will not give you a cent of the month's earnings. (That is, if it works out.)

To apply for any position:

MSN?: (If you wont want to say it in the public forum, just PM me it.)
Time Zone?:
Why do you want that position?:
Why I should choose you over others?:
Why should I trust you?:
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


i never played minecraft , but if the emulator was a source code i will help u with coding.


It's not like I'm doing anything for my server so I'll try this for some $$.

MSN?: You have it.
Time Zone?: +2
Position?: Community manager
Why do you want that position?: Cause I'm good at stuff like that.
Why I should choose you over others?: ^reason above
Why should I trust you?: Cause I'm a trustworthy guy and you know it. ;)

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Quote from: Meteor on May 23, 2012, 07:15:45 AM
It's not like I'm doing anything for my server so I'll try this for some $$.

MSN?: You have it.
Time Zone?: +2
Position?: Community manager
Why do you want that position?: Cause I'm good at stuff like that.
Why I should choose you over others?: ^reason above
Why should I trust you?: Cause I'm a trustworthy guy and you know it. ;)

My MSN got hacked, so no, I don't have it. I'll make a new one later today, though. Also, i'll consider it.
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


Quote from: asmit10 on May 23, 2012, 01:26:29 PM
Quote from: Meteor on May 23, 2012, 07:15:45 AM
It's not like I'm doing anything for my server so I'll try this for some $$.

MSN?: You have it.
Time Zone?: +2
Position?: Community manager
Why do you want that position?: Cause I'm good at stuff like that.
Why I should choose you over others?: ^reason above
Why should I trust you?: Cause I'm a trustworthy guy and you know it. ;)

My MSN got hacked, so no, I don't have it. I'll make a new one later today, though. Also, i'll consider it.
Kk I'll PM you my msn.

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Xx Itz Ian

League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian


sry to say Ian but you dont have the right qualities for community manager but meteor its the best for this job :)
Good Luck to get your job meteor
Ign | Diesel
Lv | ???
Guild | Morbid
Specialty | Sector

Xx Itz Ian

Quote from: UnderYou on May 23, 2012, 04:25:07 PM
sry to say Ian but you dont have the right qualities for community manager but meteor its the best for this job :)
Good Luck to get your job meteor
No permision given to talk.
Btw it's not about boutcheetah l2readnowgtfothistopic
League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian


cmon men I dont want to fight with you again and stop be rude no permision given to talk lol grow up men
and Ik its not about boutcheetah lol but still meteor its the best for this job ok I end this :) sry asmit
Ign | Diesel
Lv | ???
Guild | Morbid
Specialty | Sector


Meteor, this is a Community Manager application I got on another forum, please, explain why I should choose you.

"Any chat program that I can talk to you with?(via text, mic broke ): Skype text messaging, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, Minecraft Forums PM and I can get anything else needed.

Time Zone?: UTC/GMT +9:30 hours

Position?: Marketer/ Community Manager

Why do you want that position?: I would love the Community Manager position as I love talking to players and getting to know people all over the world, I love the challenge of creating interesting and creative updates/advertisements for the server. I also enjoy using social media platforms.

Why I should choose you over others?: Firstly, I pride myself in using proper spelling and grammar. I did advanced english in school and I have completed courses in advertising, this course concentrated on writing advertisements that target a specific market via many different platforms such as twitter, facebook, forums, TV, radio, magaines and newpapers.

I also completed a recent public relations course where a whole term was spent studying how to use social media sites such as facebook, twitter and tumblr to get free publicity for a company (Or your server). Along my way I have picked up many nifty tips and tricks that gain attention whilst conveying a clear message.

I am a friendly, hard working and very outgoing individual. I love talking to players and I keep up with recent trends being not that old myself I know and have experience with these new technologies. Sone of the other applicants will have problems talking to the younger players, as they seem to be from a different generation. You don't want a Community Manager that treats the younger/teenage players (which will most likely be a majority of the server) like kids. I on the other hand can be seen as a friendly figure not like a mother/authorative figure. I also understand the terms, topics and slangs kids use these days.

As previously mentioned I have extensive knowledge of all social media platforms so I won't need any help. I have knowledge of how to install and manage the configs of plugins and can make suggestions for the server.

I am able to play on the server for up to 8 hours everyday, however I am able to check and update the Twitter, Facebook pages basically 24/7 as I am always in network/wifi coverage.

Just a bonus, as I have become firm friends with a large group of players, I am able to bring around 10 - 12 more players to the server.

I can work for free as I like doing it because I enjoy it and will get enough payment from the satisfaction of the players. So don't worry about sharing the earnings with me.

Why should I trust you?: I am currently responsible for looking after players on 2 other servers, my role involves writing a weekly server news as well as several quick updates for the servers, I also get to know the players and know most of them by first name, quite a few of them have added me on facebook. You can ask the owners for the servers as they will reccomend me.

Thanks, Hope to hear from you soon "
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.



"So far, this is the list i've made.

Artist: MCtimelapse7, MrFreeze007 (Maybe)

Graphic Designer: CeaseToExist

Tech: AliasXNeo

Marketer: TigersMum

Community Manager: Afrikaans

Although this list isn't 100% final, it's as close as I can get. If you are on this list, you will probably not get removed. If you're just reading this thread and you still want to apply, you can. You aren't out yet.

*MrFreeze007 I need more than email, I need something like msn, skype, etc."
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


Quote from: asmit10 on May 23, 2012, 10:28:26 PM
Meteor, this is a Community Manager application I got on another forum, please, explain why I should choose you.

"Any chat program that I can talk to you with?(via text, mic broke ): Skype text messaging, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, Minecraft Forums PM and I can get anything else needed.

Time Zone?: UTC/GMT +9:30 hours

Position?: Marketer/ Community Manager

Why do you want that position?: I would love the Community Manager position as I love talking to players and getting to know people all over the world, I love the challenge of creating interesting and creative updates/advertisements for the server. I also enjoy using social media platforms.

Why I should choose you over others?: Firstly, I pride myself in using proper spelling and grammar. I did advanced english in school and I have completed courses in advertising, this course concentrated on writing advertisements that target a specific market via many different platforms such as twitter, facebook, forums, TV, radio, magaines and newpapers.

I also completed a recent public relations course where a whole term was spent studying how to use social media sites such as facebook, twitter and tumblr to get free publicity for a company (Or your server). Along my way I have picked up many nifty tips and tricks that gain attention whilst conveying a clear message.

I am a friendly, hard working and very outgoing individual. I love talking to players and I keep up with recent trends being not that old myself I know and have experience with these new technologies. Sone of the other applicants will have problems talking to the younger players, as they seem to be from a different generation. You don't want a Community Manager that treats the younger/teenage players (which will most likely be a majority of the server) like kids. I on the other hand can be seen as a friendly figure not like a mother/authorative figure. I also understand the terms, topics and slangs kids use these days.

As previously mentioned I have extensive knowledge of all social media platforms so I won't need any help. I have knowledge of how to install and manage the configs of plugins and can make suggestions for the server.

I am able to play on the server for up to 8 hours everyday, however I am able to check and update the Twitter, Facebook pages basically 24/7 as I am always in network/wifi coverage.

Just a bonus, as I have become firm friends with a large group of players, I am able to bring around 10 - 12 more players to the server.

I can work for free as I like doing it because I enjoy it and will get enough payment from the satisfaction of the players. So don't worry about sharing the earnings with me.

Why should I trust you?: I am currently responsible for looking after players on 2 other servers, my role involves writing a weekly server news as well as several quick updates for the servers, I also get to know the players and know most of them by first name, quite a few of them have added me on facebook. You can ask the owners for the servers as they will reccomend me.

Thanks, Hope to hear from you soon "

Sorry but this app is horrid. If I was giving a hired position I'd o.O at him and throw it away. +1 for making plentiful spelling/grammar mistakes and even mentioning that you lead other servers {less time for this server}. Won't CnC it but I think I said enough!


Quote from: Allie on May 23, 2012, 11:57:18 PM
Quote from: asmit10 on May 23, 2012, 10:28:26 PM

Sorry but this app is horrid. If I was giving a hired position I'd o.O at him and throw it away. +1 for making plentiful spelling/grammar mistakes and even mentioning that you lead other servers {less time for this server}. Won't CnC it but I think I said enough!

lul i actually thought the same thing

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Allie, i don't have time to throw away apps like you do. I could easily fire them after I get things up and running. I know it's not great, but it's one of the only Community Manager apps. that I've gotten (just got another one like 10 minutes ago). Sorry that I can't be picky, nobody that's a pro is gonna help me. The best person I have on the team is:

Any chat program that I can talk to you with?(via text, mic broke ): Skype: *snip*
Time Zone?: PST
Position?: Tech Person/Marketer/Admin
Why do you want that position?: I ran a 100 slot server by myself for five months. The only reason it's not still running today is because the lovely U.S Navy decided to send me out on a 6 month deployment and the person I handed ownership over to ran the server to the ground. While I was running the server I was literally doing all the positions you described, so I have extensive experience with everything. However, my best fields are tech, marketing, and admin work. I know how to use all of the most common Bukkit mods including scripting, configuring, and general debugging.
Why I should choose you over others?: Mature (21 and married), intelligent, experienced, and have I mentioned I've done this before?
Why should I trust you?: Trick question, you can't trust anyone you've only met on the internet. However, I am mature and hold a respectable job (commissioned United States officer), if that counts for anything.

If you're interested in talking further shoot me a PM and we'll hook up on Skype.
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.


Dafuq I can't make stupid long apps like that. Not even gonna read through all that.

All I can say is that I have experience with moderating and stuff like that, I'm friendly to others, I know how to deal with rule breakers, etc.

If that's not enough and you decide not to choose me cause I have to make a whole essay then it's k lul I won't bother.

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