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Weekly Tournaments!

Started by daluzman123, May 29, 2012, 12:39:34 AM

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Username: RedNeon
Level: 221
Why you want to join: cuz i want another halo set to stock and fun

timezone pls


Quote from: Pokeh on May 29, 2012, 02:56:37 AM
apparently divine beat allie and i've taught divine everything he knows.

quoted you but was talking to divine lawl

Divine beat me once; after I was ****ing around with him. Usually won in orange when I actually tried.
Once out of like five to ten. And that was my first games back. First.

Also, Poke can't beat me, not from what I remember. I said you were good, Divine. I didn't say you were good enough to start rumors. Looks like you're an enemy of mine now. I'll have fun winning in orange or blue against you this tournament.

Good luck to the rest of you. I have nothing against you so long as you don't give me something against you.


IGN= Night Crawler
why= Im bored


May 29, 2012, 09:23:26 AM #33 Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 09:25:35 AM by kandra
map ? best of 3 ? Ii is allowed ? (you forgot to ban GM gun because Gramps have it  :P )


Div sucks, Pokes good but not better than Allie lulz

Username: Yz
Level: 221
Cuz of arrogant/biased people like Div who needa be put down by the real PvP vets.. and derustification
DISCORD killyzkill


Username: LonelyWolf
Level: 172
Why you want to join: i am bored and i want to pvp more


Quote from: Yz on May 29, 2012, 09:27:44 AM
Div sucks, Pokes good but not better than Allie lulz

Username: Yz
Level: 221
Cuz of arrogant/biased people like Div who needa be put down by the real PvP vets.. and derustification

Div got a lot better. But he's not pro yet. He's getting there.
Still a force to be mentioned. Though my respect for him was taken away by him bragging about a false win, without even mentioning it was like 1-10.


you cant say im better than allie or vice versa cuz weve always pvped on god accs or she had op gm shit or w.e

never elektra vs elektra

btw lol @ cursed. Were doomed to lose >_>


May 29, 2012, 01:26:21 PM #38 Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:16:01 PM by darknessfall
Quotebtw lol @ cursed. Were doomed to lose >_>

Mby You.
IGN: Cursed4Ever / AgainstAllGods
" I've seen so much I'm blind again "
"The eyes are useless if the mind is blind"


All Accepted, I will make The Following As Subs.


If a player is not on by the time the tournament is occuring and one of you are online, you will be the sub for the original contestiant. You will abid by the rules given by me and you will accept terms of agreement aswell.




You will also be a sub.


see allie this is what happens when u give people god like stats their ego gets so high its not even funneh



Quote from: Blessed on May 29, 2012, 03:02:45 PM
see allie this is what happens when u give people god like stats their ego gets so high its not even funneh

itsk. we can still pvp like bosses on bots.


lol ,just comfurm the time!

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