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BoutCheetah » Forum » Other BoutCheetah Stuff » Suggestions » New PVP MAPS!


Started by gombo08, June 19, 2012, 04:56:57 AM

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June 19, 2012, 04:56:57 AM Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:13:27 AM by gombo08
Hey all,
Humpy here again. I was thinking of some new pvp maps, in hoping to revive pvp by much.As i personally feels that the pvp maps now are kind of boring when played, cause of repeating plays. Therefore i was hoping that the admins would come up with new map ideas or hold a competition for new pvp maps.
How the maps should be like,
1) Maps should be big ( for more people to play and more preferred) Or small, medium sized.
2) Maps should have some cool power ups or stuffs, etc. To enhance the bots power , or attk, etc. Unlike hp pack and trans up. I meant invisibility, camouflage power to make the maps MORE FUN AND INTRESTING
3) Big/medium sized maps should have lots of jumping stones/steps to make it fun!
4) New stuffs should be introduced to pvp play , rather than the plain old hp ups and trans up. Instead make power ups , or etc. Like i just mentioned to make it more fun.
5) New utilities should be brought into pvp maps, such as jump boosters( Its a type of utility placed at a fixed spot, helping other to increase their jumping height for once when they step on it, to their certain destinations.)
6) Making the maps move or change as time pass by to make it harder.
Alright, thats all i can think of now. Hope that the admins and the rest would like it .Please COMMENT Thanks.Toodles~

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


June 19, 2012, 05:28:14 AM #2 Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:29:42 AM by Yz
1) We'd have to use pre-used ones, can't make new ones.
2) Not possible cuz we can't make that stuff.
3) Can't make new jumpy things can only use ones that have already been made.
4) Dunno if that's possible either.
5) Not possibleeee I don't think and would be OP
6) Not possible

Also post these in suggestions from now on cuz they're ideas
DISCORD killyzkill


NOoooo BOOHOOO T.T how about just make a new map using those items that we have now or Preused? Hold a competition for best map design :D!

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


Quote from: gombo08 on June 19, 2012, 05:45:22 AM
NOoooo BOOHOOO T.T how about just make a new map using those items that we have now or Preused? Hold a competition for best map design :D!
Son,things aren't that easy
Don't think, feel


They have the source-code, we don't. Keep in mind though we've made some pretty cool stuff as well, we just can't create brand new maps, items or models at the moment.
DISCORD killyzkill

Xx Itz Ian

im a boss with desgining but i got no tool to mod on this game. any tool released ? (link for me pls)

the idea is good but sounds much of impossible

also you said the same thing like 3 times but if it would be released it still will be cool for 3 days then it just gets ignored.
making something totaly new (like survival) keeps attention so i suggest something in pvp like an armor or something more usefull with botstract (like making it overpowerd again) so people get lured to pvp and have a goal like obaining an ammout of botstract.
League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian


Botstract was ruining PvP. That won't ever come back
DISCORD killyzkill

Xx Itz Ian

but it gave a reason to pvp. im not saying they should bring it back like that but they could make a replacement so pvp will attract players (for example something to do with guild pvping) (pvp points to buy unique decoration armors or anothre payment methode for items) (random item drops)
League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian


By N-Log giving it to you. N-Log gave it to them. Because you can't "take it" it has to be given.
DISCORD killyzkill


I want to play Lake Virus ( map 31 ) in pvp
is this possible ?


"moving" maps would be pretty awsum

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


Quote from: Iridion on June 20, 2012, 08:47:22 AM
"moving" maps would be pretty awsum

like xchange except bigger and better ;D

Quote from: Yz on June 19, 2012, 08:00:36 AM
Botstract was ruining PvP. That won't ever come back

people always find a way to abuse shit. :/

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