Heya guys, we've set up a new, simple event and here's how it's gonna go.
For every legitimate BoutCheetah video submitted to this thread, you can choose one of the following prizes-
7 day Ganda Trans
7 day Gora Trans
1 day Jura Trans
7 day Ryura Trans
7 day Slammer Trans
7 day Chernobyl Trans
7 day Seargent Sector Trans
7 day DigiDragon (E Drop) Trans
7 day White-Knight (E Drop) Trans
7 day Overrunner (E Drop) Trans
7 day Lady-Valor (E Drop) Trans
7 day DoubleBlade Merc
50-use HP Pack
50-use RB Pack
Some rules-
(E Drop)s are available only one per player, if chosen.
Videos must be approved by Yz before they receive their prize, and it may take up to a day, or two if it's over the weekend.
You can enter as many videos as you want and keep selecting the same prize so long as it's not (E).
All videos will be added to the front page.
The videos you submit have to be made as of June 20th of this year (2012), any video entered that was made before then won't be valid.
Video must contain positive feedback and include link to the game (boutcheetah.zylongaming.com) and "boutcheetah" "bots" "acclaim" "zylon" "gaming" in the tags.
List and/or rules are subject to change, even after you choose a prize.
The video can be a trailer, gameplay video, it can be anything so long as it has footage of in-game gameplay. Have fun!
In other news...
I am now a GM. yay~