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Make BoutCheetah videos, get prizes~

Started by Yz, June 22, 2012, 09:04:36 AM

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June 26, 2012, 12:18:44 PM #75 Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 12:34:11 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 12:06:59 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 11:34:30 AM

1. Then don't stand in these safe spots. Even when Ross is doing high levels with a naked bla bla bla lv 1 he does not have to take that much care. Just stand in the open and fight.

2. Just combo then. Also like Ross said, no need to be on safe spots. Just play at normal level.

3. Called pushing.

1. you are pushing, I'm killing. They require different strategies

2. see number 1

3. In my opinion killing is more fun than pushing, so I won't push unless I have to

And finally I just want to say, this is all my opinion, you may feel more comfortable using rush. But I like gc so don't try and start an argument.

1. You did not understand what Ross said. Ross may be pushing, but he runs out in the open and does not stay in the "safe zones." If Ross was not pushing he would combo/ rush in the open. Why do you have to be in the safe zones? Why can you not fight in the open? It is faster if you can fight in the open while not getting hit. .-. (they are rhetorical question, just in-case you don't understand that.) You probably can't because GC has poor range and if there are enough mobs, they can just surround and combo you.

2. Still do not understand. See #1

3. Your slow. Also Ross pushes when needed, and he also kills when needed. Ross pushes when it will make the game faster, also pushing on a lv 1 is needed.

Ok, you can have your opinion, but you are slower than Ross and always will be. If you try to argue with Ross on what is faster for sector, the one who is faster wins.

Also Ross already did start one.

Anyways back on topic, Ross did like the vid, it was a good choice with the music. Best one so far.

Omnomnom eating toast.


Quote from: Dillh on June 24, 2012, 10:03:40 AM
That is the best bout video I have seen yet. that is amazing I loved that.

Lovely video Lasercut ! I love it :)


Quote from: Dillh on June 24, 2012, 10:03:40 AM
That is the best bout video I have seen yet. that is amazing I loved that.


IGN: Tainted | TaintedScars
Lvl :  232      | 160



I dont think Yz will give for this vid prize cuz doesnt have effects and a good intro you need to add more to a vid
Ign | Diesel
Lv | ???
Guild | Morbid
Specialty | Sector


June 26, 2012, 02:00:38 PM #80 Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 02:03:08 PM by lasercut
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 12:18:44 PM

Ok, you can have your opinion, but you are slower than Ross and always will be. If you try to argue with Ross on what is faster for sector, the one who is faster wins.

Also Ross already did start one.

When did I argue about the speed?

I was simply stating rush can't be used on safe spots.

and just to let you know, I use safe spots to avoid damage (which is sometimes difficult to do when fighting on the same level).

I'm going to stop here, don't want to make this topic a flame war
OMG I updated my avatar


June 26, 2012, 03:28:27 PM #81 Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 03:30:50 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 02:00:38 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 12:18:44 PM

Ok, you can have your opinion, but you are slower than Ross and always will be. If you try to argue with Ross on what is faster for sector, the one who is faster wins.

Also Ross already did start one.

When did I argue about the speed?

I was simply stating rush can't be used on safe spots.

and just to let you know, I use safe spots to avoid damage (which is sometimes difficult to do when fighting on the same level).

I'm going to stop here, don't want to make this topic a flame war

Quote from: lasercut on June 25, 2012, 05:10:26 PM
Rush = knocking mobs down = wasting time waiting for mobs to stand up
1 rush = approx 2 gcs therefore gc has greater DPS
If you go do any lv with GC, Ross can guarantee that he will be able do it faster with rush.

2. Rush can also be use on "safe spots," and as Ross said, if there is a "safe spot" it does not work on, then just fight in the open, without being on the safe spot.

3. That is another reason why Ross is faster than you. Ross does not have to use safe spots in order to avoid damage.

Omnomnom eating toast.


June 26, 2012, 04:12:20 PM #82 Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 04:17:05 PM by lasercut
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 03:28:27 PM
If you go do any lv with GC, Ross can guarantee that he will be able do it faster with rush.

If you compare the two skills just by skills (ie only use rush and gc) then GC has higher DPS.

Alright, if you really want to prove something that suits your playing style and not mine then do lv 186 because I get better time using GC.
lv 172 bot, no pushing and killing all the bosses, no merc/hp pack/rb pack. My time was 9.30 so it should be pretty easy to beat.... right?

Oh and new vid :P Yes I suck at pvp
BoutCheetah - PvP
OMG I updated my avatar


June 26, 2012, 09:19:55 PM #83 Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 09:28:05 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 04:12:20 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 03:28:27 PM
If you go do any lv with GC, Ross can guarantee that he will be able do it faster with rush.

If you compare the two skills just by skills (ie only use rush and gc) then GC has higher DPS.

Alright, if you really want to prove something that suits your playing style and not mine then do lv 186 because I get better time using GC.
lv 172 bot, no pushing and killing all the bosses, no merc/hp pack/rb pack. My time was 9.30 so it should be pretty easy to beat.... right?

Oh and new vid :P Yes I suck at pvp
BoutCheetah - PvP

Wait wut? "no pushing and killing all the bosses"
What do you mean by "no killing all the bosses?"

Sure Ross will follow your conditions, as long as it is just comparing rush and GC dps.

However Ross also wants to note a few things also on what Ross' main argument is about, and that is; overall speed of a normal sector game. You may be right, on that just looking at Rush and GC, that GC is faster, however you also need to consider playing a normal game with them. Basically this means that using rush while keeping in mind of other factors is faster than GC while considering all the other aspects. Ross' main concern about this is basically what skill you should use while considering all the aspects of the game, to make your sector game as fast as possible in a normal game. In your mind, using GC in a normal game is faster correct? Well Ross says that using Rush in a normal game is faster. Also there is something you said before that is just plain stupid. All of this is not directed only to you but everyone who thinks this way. Basically the part about pushing.

Anyways this is, for the overall speed. No first Ross will explain that first. Basically, no one normally just plays a sector game with just Rush, and GC. But what Ross is mainly getting at is what can make a person be able to beat a sector lv in the shortest amount of time, while utilizing everything the game offers. Just comparing Rush and GC is stupid, as Ross stated, no one just does that. They use what the game allows them to do such as pushing, and Mercs, so generally your way of looking at it is a bad way to compare them in terms of how fast you can do a sector lv, as it is a bit biased.

Anyways back to what Ross was going to say, this is for the overall speed:

To summarize this:

What skill is best to use during a normal speed run game?


Merc + push + rush + ect is faster than Merc + push + GC +ect

You view of the trial:

GC is faster than rush, and during a normal game of lv 172, it is impossible to be able to push and use Merc's, to your advantage, yet it is available in the game that anyone can do.

Rush and GC may be the main body of the argument on what is faster but do you do realize that skills is not the only part of the game right? There is also the strategy of using Merc's, and pushing. Basically just skills should not justify your mind on what will make you sector faster, but in fact, every thing available to you during sector. The argument is about, what is the best choice of skills, while keeping in mind the other possible conditions that can help make you go faster.

Ross finds it annoying that people think pushing is unfair and you should only kill. (Reason for wall of text.)

How is killing more fun than pushing? Sure pushing may be faster = less play time, but all you do is combo spam GC. Go stand on a pole and spend 5 mins of spamming xc key. Wow that is really skillful and fun. Ross is gong to spend all day spamming xc. Pushing = being able to lure or find a way to push that mob, while trying to not get pushed yourself. (If you don't get now you would get pushed, then you don't know how to push properly, and you just combo the mob off the map.) So basically, this requires you to be able to move around, doge mobs, and to be able to successfully push them.

If you feel like you should only combo, and use use the other parts of the game given to you, then it seams that you just cant fully understand what kind of game this is, and that you have a biased point of view.

Basically what Ross is trying to explain to you is that:

Using rush while utilizing the full aspects of the game will make you complete a sector lv faster than using gc while not utilizing the full aspects of the game.

Honestly some people wonder why Ross is faster than them. The answer is simple:

Ross is not fast, you are just all slow. Everyone should be able to sector as fast as Ross, yet all of you are too retarded even after the 6 years, 2 months and 15 days this game has been out, is that you all can't seem to understand how to use all the aspects of the game to your advantage, because you are closed minded and blinded by your biased point of view. Pushing is part of the game, so is killing, so is skills, so is mercs, and ect. Ross will push when is is faster than killing, and Ross will kill when pushing is slower than killing, and Ross will take into thought of what skill for what lv is the best while keeping the fact of all the other aspects of the game. This is why Ross says Rush is faster than GC.

Anyways when Ross gets time he will go and do this biased test.

Also talking about conditions, if you really want the conditions to be fair, what about the armor you use?

Omnomnom eating toast.


who the hell would pick sergeant sector trans when its in the shop??!?!?!

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 09:19:55 PM
Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 04:12:20 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 03:28:27 PM
If you go do any lv with GC, Ross can guarantee that he will be able do it faster with rush.

If you compare the two skills just by skills (ie only use rush and gc) then GC has higher DPS.

Alright, if you really want to prove something that suits your playing style and not mine then do lv 186 because I get better time using GC.
lv 172 bot, no pushing and killing all the bosses, no merc/hp pack/rb pack. My time was 9.30 so it should be pretty easy to beat.... right?

Oh and new vid :P Yes I suck at pvp
BoutCheetah - PvP

Wait wut? "no pushing and killing all the bosses"
What do you mean by "no killing all the bosses?"

Sure Ross will follow your conditions, as long as it is just comparing rush and GC dps.

However Ross also wants to note a few things also on what Ross' main argument is about, and that is; overall speed of a normal sector game. You may be right, on that just looking at Rush and GC, that GC is faster, however you also need to consider playing a normal game with them. Basically this means that using rush while keeping in mind of other factors is faster than GC while considering all the other aspects. Ross' main concern about this is basically what skill you should use while considering all the aspects of the game, to make your sector game as fast as possible in a normal game. In your mind, using GC in a normal game is faster correct? Well Ross says that using Rush in a normal game is faster. Also there is something you said before that is just plain stupid. All of this is not directed only to you but everyone who thinks this way. Basically the part about pushing.

Anyways this is, for the overall speed. No first Ross will explain that first. Basically, no one normally just plays a sector game with just Rush, and GC. But what Ross is mainly getting at is what can make a person be able to beat a sector lv in the shortest amount of time, while utilizing everything the game offers. Just comparing Rush and GC is stupid, as Ross stated, no one just does that. They use what the game allows them to do such as pushing, and Mercs, so generally your way of looking at it is a bad way to compare them in terms of how fast you can do a sector lv, as it is a bit biased.

Anyways back to what Ross was going to say, this is for the overall speed:

To summarize this:

What skill is best to use during a normal speed run game?


Merc + push + rush + ect is faster than Merc + push + GC +ect

You view of the trial:

GC is faster than rush, and during a normal game of lv 172, it is impossible to be able to push and use Merc's, to your advantage, yet it is available in the game that anyone can do.

Rush and GC may be the main body of the argument on what is faster but do you do realize that skills is not the only part of the game right? There is also the strategy of using Merc's, and pushing. Basically just skills should not justify your mind on what will make you sector faster, but in fact, every thing available to you during sector. The argument is about, what is the best choice of skills, while keeping in mind the other possible conditions that can help make you go faster.

Ross finds it annoying that people think pushing is unfair and you should only kill. (Reason for wall of text.)

How is killing more fun than pushing? Sure pushing may be faster = less play time, but all you do is combo spam GC. Go stand on a pole and spend 5 mins of spamming xc key. Wow that is really skillful and fun. Ross is gong to spend all day spamming xc. Pushing = being able to lure or find a way to push that mob, while trying to not get pushed yourself. (If you don't get now you would get pushed, then you don't know how to push properly, and you just combo the mob off the map.) So basically, this requires you to be able to move around, doge mobs, and to be able to successfully push them.

If you feel like you should only combo, and use use the other parts of the game given to you, then it seams that you just cant fully understand what kind of game this is, and that you have a biased point of view.

Basically what Ross is trying to explain to you is that:

Using rush while utilizing the full aspects of the game will make you complete a sector lv faster than using gc while not utilizing the full aspects of the game.

Honestly some people wonder why Ross is faster than them. The answer is simple:

Ross is not fast, you are just all slow. Everyone should be able to sector as fast as Ross, yet all of you are too retarded even after the 6 years, 2 months and 15 days this game has been out, is that you all can't seem to understand how to use all the aspects of the game to your advantage, because you are closed minded and blinded by your biased point of view. Pushing is part of the game, so is killing, so is skills, so is mercs, and ect. Ross will push when is is faster than killing, and Ross will kill when pushing is slower than killing, and Ross will take into thought of what skill for what lv is the best while keeping the fact of all the other aspects of the game. This is why Ross says Rush is faster than GC.

Anyways when Ross gets time he will go and do this biased test.

Also talking about conditions, if you really want the conditions to be fair, what about the armor you use?

Did Ross just make a freaking essay just to explain something. Holy crap.


June 26, 2012, 10:19:53 PM #86 Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 10:32:40 PM by lasercut
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 09:19:55 PM

Wait wut? "no pushing and killing all the bosses"
What do you mean by "no killing all the bosses."
Ok let me rephrase that, You must kill all the mandatory bosses. You can ignore/push the non mandatory ones like the bubble boys.

In your mind, using GC in a normal game is faster correct?
This holds true for me, I prefer GC over rush (as I've state countless times before) and I do some levels (like 186) faster with GC than rush. What ever you like to use is your preference. I respect that, and maybe you should start respecting other people's preferences as well instead of insisting someone doing things the same way as you (even if it means a faster time).

Well Ross says that using Rush in a normal game is faster.
Just because you can use rush to finish a level faster does not mean other people can.

Also there is something you said before that is just plain stupid. All of this is not directed only to you but everyone who thinks this way. Basically the part about pushing.
Remember this is based on my playing style. I don't like to push, I never stated pushing is unfair. I'm simply saying with my playing style GC is faster than rush.

They use what the game allows them to do such as pushing, and Mercs, so generally your way of looking at it is a bad way to compare them in terms of how fast you can do a sector lv, as it is a bit biased.
I am not you, you are not me. Everyone have their own playing styles, you can't say something is better for them just because it's better for you. It doesn't work like that. If you think rush is faster than GC, fine by me.

Anyways back to what Ross was going to say, this is for the overall speed:
Based around your playing style.

To summarize this:

What skill is best to use during a normal speed run game?
Again this is based on my style of playing and is not a speed run. If it was a speed run I'd probably be pushing everything so it's just a normal game.


Merc + push + rush + ect is faster than Merc + push + GC +ect

The trial:

GC is faster than rush, and during a normal game of lv 172, it is impossible to be able to push and use mercs, to your advantage, yet it is available in the game that anyone can do.

Rush and GC may be the main body of the argument on what is faster but do you do realize that skills is not the only part of the game right? There is also the strategy of using Mercs, and pushing. Basically just skills should not justify your mind on what will make you sector faster, but in fact, every thing available to you during sector. The argument is about, what is the best choice of skills, while keeping in mind the other possible conditions that can help make you go faster.
Again, my playing style is different from yours. Sure I can probably be a lot faster doing it your way, but like I said, I like to do the level my own way.
I remember back when acclaim was still running, I rarely trans'd during a level. Call me dumb or an idiot all you want but this isn't about how you do a level, it's about how I do it.

Ross finds it annoying that people think pushing is unfair and you should only kill.
See above.

If you feel like you should only combo, and use use the other parts of the game given to you, then it seams that you just cant fully understand what kind of game this is, and that you have a biased point of view.
That's not called a biased point of view. Like you said, the different parts are all available for you to use, but it doesn't mean you must use them.

Basically what Ross is trying to explain to you is that:

Using rush while utilizing the full aspects of the game will make you complete a sector lv faster than using gc while not utilizing the full aspects of the game.
Different playing styles.

Honestly some people wonder why Ross is faster than them.
I don't really care how much faster you are than me. I have my own playing style and I do the levels my way.

Ross is not fast, you are just all slow. Everyone should be able to sector as fast as Ross.
Sure everyone can be as fast as you, but it doesn't mean they should try and be as fast. Why should everyone use the exact same playing styles (that's like making everyone have the same personalities). That would make the game so much more boring.

Anyways when Ross gets time he will go and do this biased test.
Call it biased if you want, you still haven't noticed I've been saying this is based on my playing style/preference. So of course you will think it's biased.

Also talking about conditions, if you really want the conditions to be fair, what about the armor you use?
Hallow armour have rubbish stats. CPU +4 should easily beat it statwise

Final Note:
Next time before you start an argument with someone, please read what they've wrote before posting a wall of text telling them how you would do something. Just in case you deny it here are some quotes.

Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 12:06:59 PM

3. In my opinion killing is more fun than pushing, so I won't push unless I have to

And finally I just want to say, this is all my opinion, you may feel more comfortable using rush. But I like gc so don't try and start an argument.

Edit: Look let's either take this some where else or call truce, I don't want to ruin this topic any more with useless posts.
OMG I updated my avatar


June 26, 2012, 11:52:43 PM #87 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 12:05:25 AM by Rossbach
Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 10:19:53 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on June 26, 2012, 09:19:55 PM

Wait wut? "no pushing and killing all the bosses"
What do you mean by "no killing all the bosses."
Ok let me rephrase that, You must kill all the mandatory bosses. You can ignore/push the non mandatory ones like the bubble boys.

In your mind, using GC in a normal game is faster correct?
This holds true for me, I prefer GC over rush (as I've state countless times before) and I do some levels (like 186) faster with GC than rush. What ever you like to use is your preference. I respect that, and maybe you should start respecting other people's preferences as well instead of insisting someone doing things the same way as you (even if it means a faster time).

Well Ross says that using Rush in a normal game is faster.
Just because you can use rush to finish a level faster does not mean other people can.

Also there is something you said before that is just plain stupid. All of this is not directed only to you but everyone who thinks this way. Basically the part about pushing.
Remember this is based on my playing style. I don't like to push, I never stated pushing is unfair. I'm simply saying with my playing style GC is faster than rush.

They use what the game allows them to do such as pushing, and Mercs, so generally your way of looking at it is a bad way to compare them in terms of how fast you can do a sector lv, as it is a bit biased.
I am not you, you are not me. Everyone have their own playing styles, you can't say something is better for them just because it's better for you. It doesn't work like that. If you think rush is faster than GC, fine by me.

Anyways back to what Ross was going to say, this is for the overall speed:
Based around your playing style.

To summarize this:

What skill is best to use during a normal speed run game?
Again this is based on my style of playing and is not a speed run. If it was a speed run I'd probably be pushing everything so it's just a normal game.


Merc + push + rush + ect is faster than Merc + push + GC +ect

The trial:

GC is faster than rush, and during a normal game of lv 172, it is impossible to be able to push and use mercs, to your advantage, yet it is available in the game that anyone can do.

Rush and GC may be the main body of the argument on what is faster but do you do realize that skills is not the only part of the game right? There is also the strategy of using Mercs, and pushing. Basically just skills should not justify your mind on what will make you sector faster, but in fact, every thing available to you during sector. The argument is about, what is the best choice of skills, while keeping in mind the other possible conditions that can help make you go faster.
Again, my playing style is different from yours. Sure I can probably be a lot faster doing it your way, but like I said, I like to do the level my own way.
I remember back when acclaim was still running, I rarely trans'd during a level. Call me dumb or an idiot all you want but this isn't about how you do a level, it's about how I do it.

Ross finds it annoying that people think pushing is unfair and you should only kill.
See above.

If you feel like you should only combo, and use use the other parts of the game given to you, then it seams that you just cant fully understand what kind of game this is, and that you have a biased point of view.
That's not called a biased point of view. Like you said, the different parts are all available for you to use, but it doesn't mean you must use them.

Basically what Ross is trying to explain to you is that:

Using rush while utilizing the full aspects of the game will make you complete a sector lv faster than using gc while not utilizing the full aspects of the game.
Different playing styles.

Honestly some people wonder why Ross is faster than them.
I don't really care how much faster you are than me. I have my own playing style and I do the levels my way.

Ross is not fast, you are just all slow. Everyone should be able to sector as fast as Ross.
Sure everyone can be as fast as you, but it doesn't mean they should try and be as fast. Why should everyone use the exact same playing styles (that's like making everyone have the same personalities). That would make the game so much more boring.

Anyways when Ross gets time he will go and do this biased test.
Call it biased if you want, you still haven't noticed I've been saying this is based on my playing style/preference. So of course you will think it's biased.

Also talking about conditions, if you really want the conditions to be fair, what about the armor you use?
Hallow armour have rubbish stats. CPU +4 should easily beat it statwise

Ross will use Hallow then.

Final Note:
Next time before you start an argument with someone, please read what they've wrote before posting a wall of text telling them how you would do something. Just in case you deny it here are some quotes.

Quote from: lasercut on June 26, 2012, 12:06:59 PM

3. In my opinion killing is more fun than pushing, so I won't push unless I have to

And finally I just want to say, this is all my opinion, you may feel more comfortable using rush. But I like gc so don't try and start an argument.

Edit: Look let's either take this some where else or call truce, I don't want to ruin this topic any more with useless posts.

Ross will try and say it differently. Ross knows you have your own playing style and Ross respects that believe it or not, and Ross has his own playing style, which is why he can sector faster then everyone else (/more brag).

Yes you may be more better at GC than Rush, just like Ross is better at Rush than with GC.

But the thing is Ross is just talking about raw speed. Your playing style (gc, low to none push, only when extremely needed.) and the time to complete a lv, vs Ross (rush, push when needed, kills when needed) playing style and the time taken to complete a lv. In the end Ross' is faster, that is why Ross is simply sating why he believes it is faster, as so far it is the fastest.

So basically, you are doing the style that you can do the fastest and like the best, and so does Ross. When Ross compares them, he considers the faster style to be basically what it is, the fastest.

This is where Ross gets the rush is faster than gc from, and also that pushing is faster than not pushing, by comparing people who use gc, who uses rush, who pushes, and who does not. In the end most good people at the end who push are faster than those who do not push, and the same for Rush vs GC.

Now you did say this:

"Just because you can use rush to finish a level faster does not mean other people can."

That is true. But mainly what Ross is getting at to figure out, what is really the fastest skill, not the skill that each person can sector fastest with. Going at this rate, and this argument it will never end. So here is how Ross finds out his answer, and Ross will make up examples for this.

[For these examples consider every person has the exact same stats]

Take the person who can use GC the best with no push. This is not by preference skill, this is merely the best time anyone was ever able to get in lv 186 with GC. So basically everyone in the game plays with GC and the fastest time was 9:30.

Now lets take the person who can use Rush the best with no push. Just like Ross said before, this is the fastest time a person got. Lets say the time was less than 8:30, then Ross would decide that the fastest skill would be Rush. If the the fastest time was over 8:30, then Ross would say GC is faster than rush. This was mainly the reason why Ross offered the option to do a challenge.

And then you can repeat that for pushing and whatnot (0-o it is a word.)

Like Ross said before;
"When Ross compares them, he considers the faster style to be basically what it is, the fastest."

Lets say Rush wins just for an example. Of course you can argue, that maybe GC could be faster assuming there was actually a person who could use GC to it's full extent, that maybe the person who got the time with rush was more lucky than the one who used GC, maybe the person who used rush cared more about times, did more runs, how they did the run (jump over corners to save time, went a faster route,) and ect. However those are just maybes, so you never know.

Anyways at this rate it is impossible to actually see what skill is truly the fastest unless the level is done 100% perfect in terms of time, which is impossible (/excluding TAS, however TAS can also not be 100% perfect), or there is a giant gap between the two in terms of times.

So far what Ross has seen is that people who can properly use Rush are faster than people who properly use GC, and same with pushing. (Replace rush with pushing and GC with pushing.

Just one last note:

You said that:

"Sure everyone can be as fast as you, but it doesn't mean they should try and be as fast. Why should everyone use the exact same playing styles (that's like making everyone have the same personalities). That would make the game so much more boring."

Ross never meant that they have to copy Ross' playing style exactly. There are many things people can find to make themselves faster, even faster than Ross, and make that their own playing style, while being fast. Ross is always finding faster ways to sector, and is also changing his playing style to what he knows is the fastest way for him. To be honest Ross is just bored of the fast no one can sector fast enough to make Ross care. Cursed did post same decent slow times, however are just not fast enough to make Ross go, "holy fk Ross wants to beat them."

So Ross might as well call it truce, however Ross does want to see your opinion on what he just said. As hopefully you will understand what Ross is trying to say.

Omnomnom eating toast.


Quote from: nanak tatum on June 27, 2012, 03:12:22 AM
Hey sorry if this sounds like I am complaining which im not but I was just wondering when I was going to get my other 2 prizes? I got one today which was the 7 day gora and im happy :D. just curious is all sorry to be annoying about it lel.

P.S. How long is this event gonna last for?

Same as fub, i havent got any prizes.


Quote from: Vobck on June 27, 2012, 04:45:43 AM
Quote from: nanak tatum on June 27, 2012, 03:12:22 AM
Hey sorry if this sounds like I am complaining which im not but I was just wondering when I was going to get my other 2 prizes? I got one today which was the 7 day gora and im happy :D. just curious is all sorry to be annoying about it lel.

P.S. How long is this event gonna last for?

Same as fub, i havent got any prizes.

I also got no prize yet :s

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