Resetting the GP would result in people who belonged at the guild they were in before the reset to go to other guild, this will start Wars, Flames, Arguements, People quitting the guild.
There is loads of people who are agreeing to this, Why? I dont know.
I Think the guild shouls just be left alone, We all know that Silence is NOT Legit.
They're people who have basically no lifed this game for weeks, months, some even years to get to where they are, and your just going to wipe all of there hard work, These people will go mental.
I guarantee you people will leave, and resetting may even spark people attempting to hack the game, DDOS the game, DDOS the website, or do anything possible they can to ruin the game.
This is just what i think of the GP reset and i am strongly against it.
Thanks, -Turb0