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Started by Kevin, October 08, 2010, 11:50:08 PM

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October 08, 2010, 11:50:08 PM Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 12:01:57 AM by Kevin
I've noticed there's not to many members online that PvP or communicate with each other (Thus explaining all the locked rooms). Perhaps it's Allie being gone, perhaps it's something else Irdc.

I'm trying to bring new members into the community as well as trying to bring the community together, But I haven't seen a lot of feedback. (Perhaps it's Allie blocking Koreans from playing, maybe not, I don't know).

For one, Everyone not taking part in the SOTW must either be butt hurt that someone won't like their work, completly emo and hates everything they make or their too lazy. (This applies to people who make signatures only). I'm not forcing you to take part, but your sigs won't get any better if you don't have critics. Sure it might butt hurt you to know your sigs suck, but if someone telling you that over the internet kills you inside, you deserve to get shat on like that.

If you have any suggestions (besides events) to bring in more people, post it here.

Perhaps a second Channel? Perhaps a second Server? New items? Just name it. If you want something done differently, don't hide it up your ass and hope Allie gives a flying ****. Actually demand a good update.

I'm not sure what's making me write this, just seeing PvP is really disappointing. Everyone wants that high score rank. (Perhaps Boutevo has better PvP).


I'm not taking part in SOTW because GIMP is messed up atm, and I don't have Photoshop.  So yeah.  But about the drawing in more people....well one thing to put first would be yeah of course a whole bunch of Koreans are banned.  If they all stayed, our community would be pretty large =] But I can't understand a word they're saying and I can't really use a translator to convert symbols to Korean characters to English..bleh.  It'd kinda be like two separate worlds.  I guess one thing to do would be to broadcast this game in other games people on here play such as FPS or other MMORPG's.  People could be nicer on here as well .-.  There's been a couple rage quits...and yeah some people are those types that drive you insane and such but still flaming won't do anything but cause flaming in return and start a cycle til' one person has had enough and rage quits.  I think maybe another reason why there aren't very many people is because people may not know of Boutcheetah, or when it went down those who quit (whenever it went down) may not be aware it's back up?  (Referring to the broadcasting point).  We could have new items here and there anything new could boost up the server.  New server's and channels could be added whenever our community gets larger (yes, no)?  Getting more people is the main thing.  More people = a better flow.  Uhmmm broadcast in a variety of places..videos uploaded online...tell your friends about it...etc etc.  In reference to new items...idk tbh.  Hummm.  Can't really say new armour since there's quite a lot although us members are indeed limited.  BUT if this were to EVER happen then --- If we were ever to get in a state completely out of the "debt" we are currently in, or whatever is holding this server back from being legit, and if the membership thing were to be completely removed and just increase the lvl cap to something...then armours could be configured in a certain way that would match the lvl cap etc etc.  Also with that of course drops in lvls would have to be adjusted as well as maybe lvls themselves?  New lvls are always fun, and not always having to mod a certain one in order to fit our customs.  Eventually get the "Special" tab in the shop fixed possible adding new items into that as well as "power-ups," as I have seen blotted out already in that category.  Maybe...another speed addition...gun damage...gun "bounce" as in when shot it can bounce off of several different enemies creating a chain reaction...maybe some effects that could be displayed on your character as a "decoration" for example maybe a glow, or different SKINS which could be called "Costumes" in-game...etc.  In the "Special" tab in the shop I believe there's another tab that has "Mods" on it so yeah..that's where that came from.  Uhm yeah in relation to new maps possible new modes that could be....survival..or a mode/map that consists of bosses only.  Could be a boss spawns, then another, and another, and eventually they will spawn in multiples ranging from different lvls, increasing the difficulty of the whole thing.  Survival mode being several different bots spawn in multiples and varieties from every lvl.  Records could also be kept of this, probably make that a little contest and coinciding it with "certain times on certain days = certain prizes."  Anywho I'm sure I could think of more than this big blob.  I'm not afraid/ashamed to express my thoughts...obviously.  Sorry for the huge post.  Just some ideas.  I have a huge imagination.  So yeah here's my feedback, Kevin.   ;)

Thanks to LiquidChaos^


we could make a sig that links to this site or the download link or both with different sigs and we go around forums just posting the sigs and saying to click them register and download it if a lot of people do it for a lot of forums we will get more people on

hope you like the idea
< by surgeypurgey


More ads?

IMO, a second server wont change a damn thing if there are less than 20 players everytime someone gets on.


That wasn't a suggestion I was making though.

Like the ideas Hidden + Lugia. Thanks for taking time to respond with your suggestions.


Quote from: lugiaXDG009 on October 09, 2010, 01:03:08 AM
we could make a sig that links to this site or the download link or both with different sigs and we go around forums just posting the sigs and saying to click them register and download it if a lot of people do it for a lot of forums we will get more people on

hope you like the idea

I don't even get what you said.


Event team giving us an event once in a while.


Hello Kitty

Erm if we could try and put an add on facebook that would prolly catch on i check those out along with alot of my friends... how bout we twitter/ fb update/ myspace update/ blog about it...
And actually using the bot stract and maybe dropping items outa the barrles again that always makes me excited to see that stuff drop :3


fb fails. not very useful. all I done on it is comment and click like. and play abit of fb games.


Koreans divide new***gotry by zero, defy all logic, and then laugh when they end the universe. That is why they have to be wiped out. And, they hack, spam, beg, troll, II spam, etc.

No excuse for failure. Just admit it, and improve.


Quote from: lnwZa on October 09, 2010, 09:46:40 AM
spam, beg, troll[/color]
you dont even know what they say

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


Those people locked in the room are either hackers or loners.

Even Loners come out and play...TRUTHFULLY.
Like to Solo 1-As far as I can get....in a locked room BEFORE I get to playing.

There is many many unparticipating players out their...& truthfully. You can "attempt" to change Bots..but you can't change the person unless they want to be changed.

I don't even care...I just be owning by myself.

Guild Name:
One Man Army


Quote from: Elements on October 09, 2010, 11:14:24 AM
Those people locked in the room are either hackers or loners.

Even Loners come out and play...TRUTHFULLY.
Like to Solo 1-As far as I can get....in a locked room BEFORE I get to playing.

There is many many unparticipating players out their...& truthfully. You can "attempt" to change Bots..but you can't change the person unless they want to be changed.

I don't even care...I just be owning by myself.

Guild Name:
One Man Army

I don't even care either.


Quote from: Elements on October 09, 2010, 11:14:24 AM
Even Loners come out and play...TRUTHFULLY.
Like to Solo 1-As far as I can get....in a locked room BEFORE I get to playing.

There is many many unparticipating players out their...& truthfully. You can "attempt" to change Bots..but you can't change the person unless they want to be changed.

CAUTION: Newbie entering.

Yeah. New guy. But, my view on the matter, having just joined yesterday...

Well, I, personally, hide out in my locked room for two (well, three, really) reasons. One, most of the rooms in Sector are locked. Two, I dislike PvP. And Three, I'm honestly too chicken to actually try joining a room with high level players (which seems to be most, if not all, of the Sector rooms.) Having played more than my fair share of lobby based games, and knowing the... Ahem... Fanbase here, I don't want to join, only to be assaulted by "lololol newb geet out".

Getting more players into the game would be useful. Ya know, give me some lower level buddies to play with. Or give me assurance that joining a high level room won't have me consumed by the internet's version of the dogs of Hades.


Quote from: Icychocobo on October 09, 2010, 02:04:21 PM
CAUTION: Newbie entering.

Yeah. New guy. But, my view on the matter, having just joined yesterday...

Well, I, personally, hide out in my locked room for two (well, three, really) reasons. One, most of the rooms in Sector are locked. Two, I dislike PvP. And Three, I'm honestly too chicken to actually try joining a room with high level players (which seems to be most, if not all, of the Sector rooms.) Having played more than my fair share of lobby based games, and knowing the... Ahem... Fanbase here, I don't want to join, only to be assaulted by "lololol newb geet out".

Getting more players into the game would be useful. Ya know, give me some lower level buddies to play with. Or give me assurance that joining a high level room won't have me consumed by the internet's version of the dogs of Hades.

As a 200 ingame, I can assure you that their are grinders out there who would gladly help you out, for example: Myself vGM FireyDevel, GM Gramps, XxX ICECOLD, and so forth...

In my opinion, try looking for a guild to help get you started and to grind with, Redemption is lookin for new members and I'm the guildmaster, if you want, whisper me ingame (vGM FireyDevel)
Redemption - We're more than hardcore, know how to start wars and scar yours...

Get ready for doom, because I've blackened the sun and I've bloodied the moon.

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