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The community

Started by dereksnake, October 11, 2010, 05:38:30 PM

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Quote from: Mrhappy on October 11, 2010, 07:45:35 PM
This community sucks all i can say.

Every one is leaving.

If it sucks then leave.

Go play B. Evo. Since that's the reason why everyone left. ::)

|**** a bitch - Respect a women - Love a lady|


Quote from: FireyDevel on October 11, 2010, 07:48:30 PM
Been playing since 07 and I can say that it does take a lot to earn your place, back in the day Evolution wouldn't even accept me. But one of the main things I can tell you to do is be respectful, post when needed, and IN ALL HONESTY, speak English and create sentance structure that is understandable, and people will like you.

As the pretty much leader of Evolution I'll +1 that.



None of you may see it this way but I'm a real good thing for any community. Why?

I'm anti-fag. Fags get flamed by me, they cry, they quit. If they don't, I let other bitches in BC deal with it, its not like I'm obsessive or excessive. Already driven away heaps of people that made this game shit in old BC and a few in this BC. But now its flooded again IE, OP and loads others in Silence (no im not taking a shot at the guild muncay so dont quote this post crying)
DISCORD killyzkill


QuoteAcclaim Bots wasn't a nice community and more people played it.

Acclaim Bots online community was a lot smaller than the gaming community :|


Yeah support for this post.  Always room for improvement, and all you said was true.  But keep in mind there is an enormous amount of different varieties of people along with their personalities, and getting someone to listen is very rare.  In saying that, for the most part, a lot of people want to be who they are, whoever they are whether it be bad or good.  It's them.  Several other posts of been made on a topic such as this and only some people take heed towards them,  Along with that, only some will change.  In order to actually improve we need to change as a community, not as individuals.  Someone said that they like a small community cause' we're like a family.  I think we can all disagree on that matter.  Not to flame this community or anything, just saying you can't ever stop improving yourself.  There's always something you can find.  Ne'ways for those who are for and support this topic/idea overall, keep doing what you're doing, improve, but don't by hypocritical as I know some people tend to be.  For anyone and everyone else, take this to heart. and change for the better please not only for this community but for yourself.  I know some people may see that as a cliché, but seriously.  Things like this need to be taken seriously if we want to go anywhere.  People needa get involved with other people regardless if they're in the same guild or if you don't know them or w/e.  More involvement = success towards a better community.  Communication is vital.  In addition I also want to say that some "flaming" may be required in order to knock some sense into people but an overextended amount is just unnecessary.  You got to know when to stop.   ::)

Thanks to LiquidChaos^


October 11, 2010, 10:49:08 PM #35 Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 10:56:12 PM by y2k
Quote from: dereksnake on October 11, 2010, 05:38:30 PM
I have noticed after playing for the last few days that there are a lot of people who aren't very respectful towards others. If we want this community to get larger, and I know we all do, people need to stop talking bad about others behind their backs and not be rude. New players as well as older players. Note if your mean to the newer players the community won't grow because they are the ones that will be able to introduce more people to the game if they are treated well and enjoy themselves while on the game. Thanks for reading what I hae to say about it and please if your going to be rude or immature in your responses don't respond.


i dont think anyone talks **** behind anyone elses back.
if someone has a problem they just say it.

& what bounty said
its the internet
man up you little girl


What Hidden said has a strong meaning.

I've always wanted to make a BOTS!! private server. I'd like to compare how I would do things to how Botsevo/Bc does things.

Personally, I'd try to make it as fair as possible. But w/e.


Hidden that was great thanks for your input. Y2k your one of these people that make it worse. You don't have to be disrespectful just because you don't agree. Also it's not me being offended it's the newer player that don't know anyone that I am looking out for because like I said without the new players we will never go anywhere as a community. So if your gonna be rude keep it to yourself or put it on your own thread not mine.


Quote from: Kevin on October 11, 2010, 07:51:57 PM
There's always one person on all forums that ruin others experiences.

That's normal.



.. Faith I'm liked by all of *****, everyone on BC who knew me in bots (80% of BC) and many various others on the forum.

7r00per is liked by everyone on BC except the very FEW people he flames.

What's your excuse? Remember all the people that complained when you were made admin WITHOUT earning it?

I don't think I've ever seen you lock a thread due to spam that you haven't already posted in. Even though 10% of your posts are just "lol" which an admin shouldn't even have 0.1% of their posts as.

Just in case you're going to delete this because you delete posts that burn you, I'm going to screenshot these posts. Let's hope for a mature reply from you, eh?
DISCORD killyzkill


Not to interrupt Tricky and Faith, but yeah Derek. I feel ANY suggestion made is tossed on the back burner. Even if it's a semi decent one.

I'm just saying you need to try new things to gain more players.

@Tricky, Is the Boutevo community more structured than this? Structured as in everyone's voice counts as at least the minimum amount of a regular human being? I've been thinking about this.


Quote from: Kevin on October 12, 2010, 12:10:09 AM
Not to interrupt Tricky and Faith, but yeah Derek. I feel ANY suggestion made is tossed on the back burner. Even if it's a semi decent one.

I'm just saying you need to try new things to gain more players.

@Tricky, Is the Boutevo community more structured than this? Structured as in everyone's voice counts as at least the minimum amount of a regular human being? I've been thinking about this.

I don't get why you're asking me since I presume you hate the crap out of me and <3 Allie.. but yeah, it is.
DISCORD killyzkill


October 12, 2010, 12:14:07 AM #42 Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 12:16:15 AM by Kevin
If you ask allie she'll tell you I'm far from ass kissing. (Points to..Owait..He's inactive).

I haven't spoken to her for at least 2 months. Everything I feel is important enough I ask Kenny cause he actually cares. (said above)


Allie says everyone is far from ass kissing. Only time she agreed with me was the day after she met Faith and said hes a huge ass kisser but next day they were best friends lololol

Anyway answer to your Q was yes. If you gonna ask me anything else do it on MSN or red will like, go, yeah, you know, mad.
DISCORD killyzkill


You are right about suggestions getting tossed in most situations and I am hoping that this community can change that a bit especially if Zylon is hoping to make it a true company.

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